I'd always preferred duck to chicken and turkey (and still do by a miracle mile).
Somehow less risk is to be taken by the financial system yet by a miracle it will create the same wealth.
And by a miracle (don't say it), a nearby shop door opened and out stepped an American who had heard the commotion.
George Washington was preserved by a miracle during the French-Indian war.
Even if by some miracle a carbon tax starts out revenue neutral, this almost certainly would be the setup for a bait-and-switch in which future Congresses keep or increase the carbon tax and decrease or rescind cuts in other taxes.
FORBES: Carbon Tax: Will Tweedle Dum Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?
In the end, the doctor himself is saved from dying in a sandstorm by what appears to be a miracle his epiphany, it is assumed, will make him a better Muslim.
Controversially, the claim was formally recognised as a miracle by the Vatican last year, paving the way for Mother Teresa's beatification.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Crowds cheer Mother Teresa beatification
Iressa has been hailed by cancer patients as a miracle cure.
Tekakwitha's canonization follows what has been judged a miracle by the Roman Catholic Church in the 2006 case of an American boy with a flesh-eating bug.
And, Farai, it could be called a miracle by most because I was able to go back to the doctors and there was no more trace of cancer.
At the Royal Hotel in Cromarty, Jenny Henderson performed a near miracle by persuading the Clydesdale Bank to back her purchase of the business three years ago.
During the evacuation - described by Winston Churchill as a "miracle of deliverance" - the Luftwaffe attacked whenever the weather allowed and at least 5, 000 soldiers were killed.
It did so because only 400 of the peers tended to show up, and by some miracle of British improvisation made a decent job of improving the legislation sent to them from the Commons.
By early to mid-March: a miracle.
FORBES: How Steve Jobs Got Sick, Got Better, And Decided To Save Some Lives
Advair, approved by federal regulators in 2000, was more a miracle of marketing than of science.
Before a recent business trip to Israel, someone handed me a copy of "Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle, " a book by Dan Senor and Saul Singer about Israel's culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism.
For someone as startled as I was by this evidence of maturity, it's a miracle.
Even if a battle-weary Republican House manages by some miracle to pass pro-growth reforms on Social Security or estate taxes, liberal Republican senators such as Chafee and Maine's Olympia Snowe will have new powers to block them.
By halftime it was already clear that Italy would need a miracle merely to get back into this match.
After looking at the pharmaceutical industry's second-quarter earnings, some investors might be tempted to see a miracle cure for a sector that has been plagued by competitive pressures and safety and marketing scandals.
In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1% a year, today's growth rates feel like a miracle.
In the book Miracle Ball, author Brian Biegel made the case that a ball obtained by his father was indeed Thomson's.
The new film unwinds in one take, lasting ninety minutes, and by some miracle we grow happily accustomed to its rhythm, like children held rapt by a bedtime story.
Of course you can do this by suddenly running surpluses in trade and government, but to do so would need both a miracle and a terrifying shrinkage of the government sector.
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Modernity, they proudly and not uncontroversially say, has arrived in this backward region in the form of an engineering miracle that has laid tracks on land gripped year-round by ice, a railway line at higher altitude than any other in the world.
So he was seen as a miracle-worker when ratings did rise, even though the increase was small by historical standards.
The pharmaceutical industry, despite a golden age of biology that has unraveled mysteries of the genetic code and yielded miracle drugs that save thousands of lives, may be on the brink of getting hit by a backlash.