All passengers on board the plane were transferred by bus to the airport terminal.
The journey by bus took one week, and we were almost caught several times.
Protester Alejandra Canterra(ph) traveled two hours by bus to get to the L.A. protest.
Boats to the Surin Islands depart from Khuraburi, 115 miles north of Phuket by bus.
They travel long distances on foot, or by bus, boat, bicycle, rickshaw, sled or subway.
After being released, the Oregon group traveled by bus to the city of Dengfeng, Dewing said.
On inquiry, it emerged the money came from bribes routinely paid by bus and lorry drivers.
He came by bus with a number of other evacuees who live now in Houston.
Many of the villages take days to reach, often requiring travel by bus, helicopter and boat.
Protesters gathered on one side of town while the torch was rushed by bus to the other.
Police believe Mr Ankers, who married Katrina in September, may have travelled to Birkenhead by bus on Sunday.
BBC: Missing John Ankers: Appeal over Blockbuster job loss man
To reach the park by bus from Exeter, take the 359 or 82 (Transmoor Link) between Exeter and Plymouth.
She traveled by bus, train and plane to end run Hurricane Irene in search of the billionaire Johnson family.
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It is easy to skirt around the affected areas by bus and plane.
On May 2, 1972, Springsteen travelled to the city by bus, carrying a borrowed acoustic guitar with no case.
They were traveling by bus from Kabul to the southern city of Kandahar.
The number of passengers travelling by bus rose above 6m a day in April, the highest total since 1968.
In Britain, unlike abroad, white collar workers seem averse to travelling by bus, but they will happily catch a tram.
Since then, she has largely avoided flying - even coming to the UK "by bus once" for a promotional trip.
After watching the footage the jury was taken by bus for a five-minute tour of the area where he died.
Yangmingshan National Park can be reached by bus from the main Taipei Railway Station, which drops of at the Yangmingshan bus stop.
Every day she heads to the panda enclosure to collect a sample of Tian Tian's urine before riding across Edinburgh by bus.
Tlaquepaque, a prosperous, arty suburb, 30 minutes away by bus from Guadalajara sells pottery, silver, paintings and furniture on its cobbled streets.
The family went mostly by bus, their costumes and props stuffed into suitcases, seeking the next little pocket of Yiddishkeit in exile.
Many of these journeys could be made by bus or cycle or on foot, if the right economic incentives were in place.
They were package tours, traveling in the company of strangers, riding by bus through the countryside, each meal and museum and hotel prearranged.
Up to 4, 000 Burnley fans will be taken to the ground by bus in an attempt to keep supporters apart before the game.
BBC: Blackburn and Burnley fans in police banning order warning
On Thursday, I rode along with residents from the devastated Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans as they toured the area by bus.
He prefers simple robes to ornate pontifical attire, and shunned a papal car after his election to travel with his electors by bus.
Members of the Tea Party Express, a leading arm of the grass-roots movement, have traversed the state by bus in support of Cruz.