Vilane says he came across climbing "by coincidence" while working as a game ranger in Swaziland.
He's sharper in evening appearances, at roughly the same time an NBA basketball game begins, by coincidence.
By coincidence, the two performed a spacewalk at this troublesome spot before, during a shuttle visit in 2009.
By coincidence it has published a report on Thursday calling for a re-think in how services are organised.
By coincidence, that was the margin Sorenstam clawed back to win her first LPGA title 10 years ago.
By coincidence, another row has broken out today over William Hague's weekend newspaper interview on law and order.
By coincidence (or not), three senior intelligence figures have just been arrested, causing consternation among the chattering classes.
By coincidence, in early 2000 Boger received an overture from Novartis Chief Daniel Vasella, who was interested in collaborating.
Whether by coincidence (as they claim) or by design, Lukoil and Yukos did not drop out until after that.
In all likelihood, the experts said, the deaths of four children in Japan were linked to the vaccines only by coincidence.
By coincidence, I've been using Eventbrite over the past month to help manage the software training webinars and seminars that we do.
Not by coincidence, Juarez is also a model for the capitalist economy.
Not by coincidence, Apple earlier this year boosted the bit rate for iTunes downloads to a noticeably improved 256 kilobits per second.
FORBES: How Nuforce is Reinventing High-End Audio for the Digital Age
Then dark energy would have to be something that varies in space, time, or both, and is close to -1 today just by coincidence.
Von Neumann was an American mathematician who, by coincidence, had also been born in Hungary and had attended the same school as Mr Harsanyi.
Thirty-six, by coincidence, is the age Byron was when he died.
By coincidence Peel had written about Walters in his column for the Radio Times this week, saying he was the closest he had to a best friend.
By coincidence, Mr Yazdi was arrested on the day that Iran's president, Muhammad Khatami, gave a press conference at which he promised to improve the political climate.
Not by coincidence, pulling that land off the market will also enhance the value of parcels still in the banks' hands, aiding their recovery from their bad-debt woes.
Part One: I will continue to blog on stocks and the election until Nov. 4, on which day, by coincidence, I will be at sea hosting a Forbes investor cruise.
But, by coincidence, he then discovered a group of scientists working on a mouse called Peromyscus that possesses the same less active variation of the MC1R gene as mammoths did.
By coincidence, this was a decision which benefited Corinthians.
BBC: Corinthians have the Brazilian title within their sights
By coincidence, both are married to women from Brazil.
ECONOMIST: Not exactly a boom state, but people are returning
By coincidence, this inquiry was announced just as the regents were to receive a report, 18 months in the making, proposing ways to help minorities in higher education without recourse to preferences.
By coincidence, the central bank on Monday approved a new rule designed to protect consumers from deceptive lending practices, including advertising practices that say interest rates are fixed when in fact they're not.
By coincidence, on the same day those tweets had been posted, police had taken a decision to reopen a 22-month criminal investigation dropped last summer because at that time no evidence of fraud had emerged.
By coincidence, the purchase was completed on the same day that Italian bureaucrats decided it was time to stop the exodus and initiated an international investigation into the illegal traffic, to be conducted by an unforgiving prosecutor named Paolo Ferri.
But when Brown spoke to some of these women individually, she realized that they had largely detected lumps by coincidence -- they happened to notice a change in their bodies -- rather than during a formal self-exam at a scheduled time of the month.
By coincidence, photo retailer Photojojo featured a pointer on its Twitter feed today to the pop culture blog Accidental Mysteries, and a lovely spread on Camera Comics, a 1940s comic-book series glamorizing the work of historical photographers like Matthew Brady and fictional heroes like Jim Lane Insurance Investigator!
At almost the same time, and apparently by entire coincidence, stuffed bears were also being introduced to Germany, where they were first manufactured by Margarete Steiff, who'd been making soft toys since the 1880s, and who'd recently been joined in the business by her nephew Richard.