Day by day, Congress is asking more questions about the bailout of the financial industry.
By day six, the day my partner returned, the swelling and the bruise were gone.
Tracking poll results reflect an overall pattern of campaign events that are unfolding day by day.
You carry on day by day, hoping that the government is trying to get this person.
They clean offices by night, and Jenni is a school dinner lady by day.
For years, Japan's stock market has been dominated by day traders and foreign institutional investors.
So, Farnoosh kept her six-figure job by day and built her business by night and weekend.
Lawson runs the village by day and works as a town emergency medical technician by night.
But the sleepy coastal hamlet by day transforms into something of a mini carnival by night.
But the rage and frustration siphoned off by day build up again every night.
But the artist still works there by day and travels to a safe house by night.
Almost from the start, a split opened among the republicans that grew wider day by day.
Temperatures were very low by day and night and almost all areas saw sharp frosts.
He worked for the Federal Reserve by day and worked on solving math problems at night.
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By day, the brothers did the kinds of work that Francis felt were sanctioned by the Gospel.
The Governator posits Schwarzenegger as a devoted family man by day and a crime fighter by night.
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I've been taking it day by day and right now I'm just taking it second by second.
By day my two-bunk sleeping compartment looked a little spartan, with gray-blue upholstery and metal lounge chairs.
And day by day, week by week, year by year, we slowly make more and more progress.
By day I would report for marketplace, and by night and some weekends I headed to Pier 94.
Shuttle managers expect to have all the imagery in and checked over by day six of the flight.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Discovery blasts off from Florida
Now it was deployed to getting a law degree, studying at night and driving a lorry by day.
The merchant class works in the store by day and goes home at night to enjoy the family meal.
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But by Day Four, he was telling her how he got a draft letter just before his 19th birthday.
By day, he's an inspector at an oil refinery, checking pipes and welding.
The ability to limit purchases by day and food type empowers parents to dole-out treats in celebration of mediocrity.
"I'm going to take it all day by day, " says Kristian Johnson, 20, the oldest of the Johnson siblings.
Step-by-step, day-by-day, you can get closer to your goal until you attain it.
Dr. Uribe laid bricks and poured concrete by day while studying for the required U.S. licensing exams at night.
White, a software manager by day, draws the line at carrying a balance.