"We believe any attempts to resolve the Iranian issue by force are unacceptable, " it said.
We know that twice, guards had to remove him by force from his cell.
The PA has neither the strength nor the authority to impose order by force.
If he fails to comply with those summons, prosecutors say he will be arrested by force.
Talk in high places about removing Mr Mugabe, perhaps even by force, is no longer deemed outlandish.
Unless those monitors are backed by force, however, they may have little to show for their efforts.
Some historians remember him as a man thirsty for power, who never hesitated to take it by force.
You expect to be dragged away by force to a police van and released a few hours later.
If someone had the potential for greatness, Jobs could sense it and bring it out almost by force if necessary.
In January 1913 unionists set up the Ulster Volunteer Force pledging to resist the bill by force of arms.
Any attempt by the Moscow clergy to occupy Mary Magdalene's convent by force could also trigger a diplomatic brouhaha.
If America wants to remove Saddam by force, it surely has the military power with which to do so.
King Hassan, they say, sought to contain such movements by force, sometimes imposing martial law and banning political parties.
It was not clear whether the former Baath Party leader was taken into custody by force or whether he surrendered.
In a narrative verdict, the jury stated the window had a restrictor on it but could be "overcome by force".
BBC: Robin Blowes 'accidentally' fell to his death from window
For the present, Mr Sharon seems to be hoping that he can get his way by force of personality alone.
Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary who thought Iraq could be democratised by force and on the cheap, has been shown the door.
ECONOMIST: George Bush now wants to talk to the axis of evil.
But Tudjman has threatened to take the region by force if talks fail to come up with a result by November 30.
Companies like salesforce.com and the others discussed in his book will thrive, and the model will catch on by force of example.
If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force, our coalition would splinter.
Ownership was taken by force, and no measure of subsequent spoils to those who pirated it can justify the way it was seized.
In the real world of human family relations there can be no justification for government to impose this burden by force of law.
FORBES: Generational Accounting and Japan's Social Welfare State
One is that America has given credible warning that its patience is exhaustible: the alternative to disarmament by inspection is disarmament by force.
ECONOMIST: No peace in the Middle East without disarming Iraq
We are some of the hardiest of individuals, and as our country continues to change by force or otherwise, we will adapt to it.
The Department of Financial Services said the agreements also call for restitution to homeowners erroneously charged for or driven into default by force-placed insurance.
And even when it comes into being the Lebanese government is not going to be eager to impose its will on Hizbullah by force.
Some of their breezy optimism about America's ability to right all the world's wrongs, by force if necessary, has indeed rubbed off on policy.
But, in reality, bailiffs are not empowered to enter premises by force and artful defendants are able to dodge their attentions without much difficulty.
The official said U.S. or allied personnel wouldn't board the ship by force and would search the ship only with the permission of its crew.
UN, in principle, retains the right to impose its will by force may have made it easier for the world body to broker a settlement.