These places, which sprung up on the edges of campuses like dandelions after a spring rain, were the meeting places where students, professors, townspeople, out-of-town academics and other terribly interesting folk would meet, by intention or chance, and talk and learn from one another.
In January Mr Barrett shocked Canada's financiers by announcing his intention to merge Montreal with Royal Bank, Canada's largest bank.
Their growing determination not to accept it has been evidenced by the announced intention of six republics not to sign it so far.
President Obama concluded the call by conveying his intention to visit Pakistan in 2011 and personally welcomed President Zardari to visit the United States in the coming year.
Yet we are likely to see a massive housing bailout, even though many housing purchases made before the bubble burst were by speculators whose sole intention was to buy and flip.
It did so by announcing four years ago its intention to convert the country's navy to a fleet powered by electric motors.
Ms Gildernew questioned the cost of hiring consultants and was reminded by Jim Wells that Mr McGimpsey's intention to hold a review, headed by William McKee, had not been revealed to the committee.
BBC: Edwin Poots to reverse McGimpsey's health review plans?
According to precedent, residency is determined by an individual's intention to be a resident.
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have any intention of abiding by these restrictions.
Japan feels less threatened, however, by Iran's apparent intention to build nuclear weapons.
James left his family at 7:45AM with the intention to return by 1:00PM that day, but obviously has not yet returned.
ENGADGET: Kati Kim and children found, James Kim still missing
This latter intention is accompanied by all the easy moral prestige of multiculturalism, so it finds its champions on the erstwhile Left.
By reaching out with authentic intention, of being of service to those that have sacrificed so much for us over the past decade, doors have opened and relationships have emerged that we never would have discovered if not for our initiative.
FORBES: 4 Things That Set Great Companies Apart from the Crowd
"If the intention was to transform the industry by bringing in Ian MacGregor from the British Steel corporation - famous for cutting jobs - if the intention was to cut jobs and reduce the industry... the challenge is how do you actually protect the communities from the impact and it's that bit that was missing, " he said.
That's fine by Higgins, who has every intention of building, not negotiating with his competitor.
But it's fairly clear by now that Washington has no intention of paying retail.
So it is surprising to see that Leonardo DiCaprio has optioned the rights to the hit book Devil in the White City (by Erik Larson) with the intention of playing the role of serial killer H.
The intention is explicit and by design.
FORBES: Will Better Regulation Boost New York Past London In Finance?
But with 13 other Swiss banks currently being investigated by US lawyers who have no intention of giving up, many in Switzerland also argue that the country's financial sector has more to offer than support for tax evasion.
The Court also rejected an argument advanced by the Center for Food Safety that planting is the natural consequence of seeds, even though they are sold by a grain elevator with the intention of being processed into food or other products.
When painting the start of the stripe at Checkpoint Charlie, a former east- west border-crossing where new building has almost entirely blotted out the past, Eberhard Diepgen, Berlin's mayor, felt obliged to calm unease by declaring that there was no intention to split the city again.
This blatant intention somehow has been confused by a number of other signals sent by the Fed and Bernanke himself in recent weeks.
Privately, the government says it has no intention of martyring Ms Tymoshenko by putting her in prison, but it is determined to discredit her.
ECONOMIST: Ukraine's new government: One hundred days of Yanukovich | The
Chair Dolores Kelly said members had been concerned about the backlog of applications, given the Executive's intention to bolster the economy by progressing planning applications for strategic projects.
Mr Yates admitted the Metropolitan Police's reputation had been tarnished by the scandal but said he had no intention of resigning.
Japan's Ministry of Finance said this week that it had no intention of driving down the yen by buying American Treasury bonds.
The otherworldy audio-visual production is inspired by his early paintings, in which the intention is deliberate and not based on a calculated algorithm.
FORBES: New Exhibition: Transmigrations By Yorgo Alexopoulos
The latest twist is a highly ambitious LTE roll-out plan combined with the intention to wind down WiMAX support by the end of 2012.
Since the cost of educating an undergraduate at some of the best universities is not wholly covered even by the higher fees, some have no intention to expand their student rolls, so some high-achievers will be turned away.