That means that by the time it likely passes south of Jamaica on Sunday evening, Ernesto could pack sustained winds in excess of 74 mph.
Having a lightweight operating system resting on 64GB of flash storage and powered by 4GB of RAM and a Core i5 means blisteringly fast boot time and ceaselessly snappy performance.
The optimal steps traveled is 12, 000 for girls and 15, 000 for boys, which means roughly 15 minutes of television time is earned by traveling 1, 500 steps.
Next appointment feature will tell you how long it will take you to get to your next appointment, calculating time needed to travel on foot or by another means of transportation.
FORBES: Google Expected to Deliver A Tablet At Developer Fest (Live Blog)
You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time.
Moreover, very large and complex economies are characterized by immense inertia, which means that changes of any nature require a very, very long time to effect.
We have full catalogues from all the major labels and a raft of independent labels including those represented by Merlin, which means all of their artists are being fairly compensated for their creativity every time people enjoy music through Spotify.
Rangel, one-time chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was censured by the lower chamber in 2010 after he was found guilty of ethics violations.
CNN: Rangel as resilient as Harlem-area district he represents
That means by the time either Barack Obama or John McCain moves into the White House, most of the government's bailout actions will be in place, the executive branch will have unprecedented authority to deal with the financial problem, and Congress will likely send the president another economic stimulus bill to sign.
As Apple stalls, Samsung is pushing Tizen as an alternative to Android, which means the mobile OS and cross-platform advertising could shape up very differently by the end of 2013 than it did at the end of 2012, all of which means the time is now right for a supercharged ads platform.
It just means that it's time to consider the aims of the sport, as promoted by Commissioner Bud Selig.
As Katrina demonstrated, if the electricity goes off for any protracted period of time, there is a cascading ripple-effect which takes down the means by which we communicate, get food and water, access financial resources, receive medical services, dispose of sewage and move from one location to another.
That means the room full of journalists there to ask post-statement questions were already more than aggravated by the time he stepped to the podium.
FORBES: How Wayne LaPierre May Have Banned His Own Assault Weapons
Because the government is determined to meet its pledge to offer choice for elective care by the end of the year, family doctors will have to rely on inferior and more time-consuming means of referral.
At the same time, while European financial markets have been relatively stable, the European economy is by no means out of the woods yet.
FORBES: Spain, Italy, And Even Greece Sell Bonds, But Europe's Crisis Is Far From Over
As economist Gary Becker notes in his blog, expansion of means-tested benefit programs also contributed to the slow recovery by making people less willing to work full-time.
FORBES: Government Policy Restrains An Economic Recovery Launched By The 2008 Recession
The belated development of the athletic Palmer, 31, and the retention of Shaw, who will be 38 by the time next year's World Cup kicks off, means Borthwick, capped 57 times, is no longer considered one of the top four locks in the country.
That chip, along with the custom charging circuitry developed by OLPC and Marvell means that the tablet can be charged by a hand crank at a 10:1 ratio (10 minutes of usage time for every minute spent cranking), or by the optional four watt solar panel cover at a 2:1 ratio on sunny days.