Another London radio station, LBC, is under new ownership after being sold by radio conglomerate GWR.
But Bunia residents, contacted by radio, contradicted rebel claims, saying government forces had secured the town.
CNN: Rebels thrust toward last government-held town in E. Zaire
That could make traffic reports, now gathered haphazardly by radio stations, far more precise.
Many quasars emit strongly at radio wavelengths, so can be tracked very accurately by radio telescopes.
Geri's new single, meanwhile, has failed to be playlisted by Radio 1, Radio 2 and Virgin.
When Miss Fletcher started writing in the 1930s the biggest audiences were provided by radio.
Earlier this year, Barack Obama pointed to comments by radio and television hosts critical of immigration.
First, the relative positions of the two spacecraft will be measured to within a few millimetres by radio waves.
Today, Bare Paint jars and pens are sold on the Internet and stocked by Radio Shack electronics stores across the United States.
The information is transmitted to the robots by Bluetooth or by radio.
This year sees the introduction of the Sony Golden Headphones Award, the recipient of which will be entirely decided by radio listeners.
He was seen wiping the helicopter's windows with a cloth shortly before take-off and complained by radio that he was having problems with visibility.
BBC: News | UK | Noel Edmonds' charity helicopter 'overloaded'
His position was echoed by radio consultant John Myers, who felt it should be played provided there was no reference to the campaign surrounding it.
BBC: Margaret Thatcher Wizard of Oz track sparks chart debate
SmartGrip, which connects to other devices either by radio frequency or tiny cables that run through the rifle sling, can be attached to nearly any rifle.
All four Cluster satellites will fly independently, controlled by radio contact with a ground station on earth, rather than talking among themselves about where they are.
Or so Sierra Leone's detained rebel leader, Foday Sankoh, told journalists on March 9th, after talking to religious leaders and, reportedly, to rebels in the field by radio-telephone.
By radio, Cornelissen provided the Zodiac with directions, and for the first mile or so the dinghy, driven by a volunteer named Adam Conniss, raced across the empty water.
But nothing made Gore and his allies dig in as much as the roving "rent-a-rioters, " some of them Bush campaign operatives, who were controlled by radio from a mobile home.
Biologists led by radio-ecologist Timothy Mousseau at the University of South Carolina studied 300 locations around Fukushima last July and found that local bird populations had dropped by about a third.
NATO's national armed forces were always able to operate together in theory, but when allies went to war in the Balkans in the 1990s, they found they couldn't talk to each other by radio.
WSJ: For Europe's Defense Establishment, a Moment of Truth on Defense
After weeks of fruitless attempts to raise the lander by radio, JPL mission controllers appeared resigned to their second major failure on a Mars mission in three months, following the September loss of the Mars Climate Observer.
CNN: Technology - Will quiet Mars lander talk to Dutch radar dishes?
ADS-B promises to make air traffic control easier, cheaper and in many ways safer by allowing planes to transmit their locations by radio frequency instead of depending on towers to use radar to track and coordinate them.
FORBES: Next-Gen Air Traffic Control Vulnerable To Hackers Spoofing Planes Out Of Thin Air
In recent weeks Dr Smith and Dr Sample, working with Scott Southwood, another researcher at the University of Washington, have built a weather sensor that measures temperature and light levels and sends a packet of data every five seconds by radio.
Despite the severity of his wounds, Staff Sergeant Petry continued to maintain the presence of mind to place a tourniquet on his right wrist before communicating the situation by radio in order to coordinate support for himself and his fellow wounded Rangers.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Sergeant First Class Leroy Arthur Petry
But it is not clear - judging from an exchange of academic views on Radio Scotland and taken up by Radio 4's 'More or Less' last week - that an independent Scotland would have had to accept the full bill for bank activities beyond its borders.
The co-pilot contacted the airline's chief pilot by radio and it was agreed that the crew would use a "left-wing-down" technique ensuring the left main wheels touched down on the runway first, with the remaining right main wheel then being lowered onto the runway as gently as possible.
Figures obtained by BBC Radio Derby showed three vehicles have been sold at auction by the council since 2008-9.
Previously Radio 1 had only one-minute bulletins, read by the Radio 2 announcers.
Figures obtained by BBC Radio Kent revealed that of 882 dogs picked up in 2010 by wardens in Medway, 350 were Staffie-type dogs.
All the Republican candidates had been invited to debate this week in Des Moines, not only at the Brown and Black Forum but also at a TV event to be sponsored by the Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News and a radio-only event sponsored by Iowa Public Radio and NPR News.