He realized that nearly 50 people were on the ice that had become separated from the shore and being blown out to sea by the prevailing wind.
CNN: More than 220 rescued from ice floes off Latvian coast
Now all 14 of its 'berths' - areas of sea connected by cable to the shore - are booked, a sign of growing interest in this fledgling source of power.
BBC: Tidal power gets a stormy birth off coast of Scotland
Paul Morris, from South Shore, Blackpool, was washed into the sea by a wave while walking a dog with a friend in the early hours of New Year's Day.
BBC: Paul Morris
Even the beach is not what it seems: the coral reefs stretch from the shore far out to sea, and although Egyptian laws protecting the reefs are regularly violated by developers who bulldoze their way through reefs, tourists may find they have to pick their way for some distance over the delicate sharp reefs, damaging both them and their feet, to find deep water.
ECONOMIST: For a tourist, Egypt can be either