By the time Francis arrived on campus, hordes of people were still waiting to clear checkpoints.
Even by the time of his death in 1324, the book had made Marco Polo famous.
By the time I left Toronto, I was as ready as I would ever be.
By the time she returned home to Belgium three months later, her outlook had changed completely.
By the time the first season began, more than 35, 000 people had signed up.
The whistleblower law was in full swing by the time Doug Durand landed at TAP Pharmaceutical in 1995.
By the time he left last August, he had prayed over 88 dead soldiers.
By the time Bill Gates got rich, Microsoft was not likely to have trouble financing investments.
By the time these new details emerged, Polio was eighty-seven, and still living in Braintree.
By the time paramedics rushed the 32-year-old to the hospital, doctors could not find a pulse.
They said she was taken to hospital, but died by the time she arrived.
By the time of publication, the documents would be more than 14 months old.
By the time children reach the age of 15, this figure almost doubles to 18%.
But, by the time Ravi was a teen-ager, he could apparently be difficult or aggressive company.
By the time he became a lawyer, in his fifties, he was a respectable bourgeois townsman.
But the fog had lifted by the time the cars and lorries were scheduled to start.
By the time we returned to school for the fall, we were tired of lingering.
She had determined the man was dead by the time the attackers confronted her.
By the time Beer came calling, the plan was to just sell the drug.
FORBES: How A Mourning Entrepreneur And A Dogged Doctor Rescued A Rare Disease Drug
But by the time Mr Jenkins published his conclusions, the debate had moved on.
Yet the important distinction is usually lost by the time you travel 1, 000 miles to Washington.
FORBES: Oregon Health Experiment Shows That Having Health Insurance Is Different Than Being Healthy
By the time court adjourns Monday, the judge hopes to have 12 jurors and four alternates.
"But by the time they got back to the hospital, they were exhausted, " she remembered.
The entrepreneurial bug had already bitten my son Ankur by the time he got to college.
FORBES: The Source of My Greatest Happiness Has Always Been Our Children
By the time he left that job we were giving equal time to entrepreneurs and innovators.
By the time Lynch retired a few years later, stocks had recovered most of their losses.
By the time you are in your 50s there may be humans living on Mars.
By the time we got back, we were enjoying the exhilaration of having glimpsed the unknown.
By the time Synaptics went public in January 2002, 98% of its revenue came from laptops.
By the time I saw him again, in November, he had a new daughter.