Even by the time of his death in 1324, the book had made Marco Polo famous.
By the time of publication, the documents would be more than 14 months old.
By the time of the Cummins concert, Cash was close to the peak of his career.
By the time of the embassy blast, the Indonesians themselves were ready to take charge.
By the time of the most recent survey, several of them were back recession, including Spain.
By the time of Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee in 1977, much was different.
By contrast, the PPI payments were, by the time of the Budget, very much a known quantity.
By the time of the Japanese surrender, the Great Depression was over and America had been transformed.
By the time of the independence referendum, the media landscape will surely have continued its radical transformation.
By the time of the election, thousands of Iraqis will have been trained to man polling centers.
By the time of Britten's death in 1976, the mere fact of his homosexuality was no longer controversial.
WSJ: Benjamin Britten | Known but Not Loved | Sightings by Terry Teachout
By the time of the return trip, the two sides may be in position to make further progress.
By the time of the proof that Hepatitis C was prevented by this process, we had already implemented it.
But by the time of Hairspray, the ironic appreciation of kitsch had moved from gay subculture to the mainstream.
Leasing out the infrastructure was meant to have been completed by the time of the mayoral election next May.
By the time of the zanily bubblelicious 1966 Peel Trident, it was over.
WSJ: Dan Neil on an Auction of Microcars Owned by Bruce Weiner
By the time of independence in 1970, Indians slightly outnumbered the indigenous Melanesians.
By the time of his campaign, however, he had become a studied tree-hugger.
By the time of Mr. Armstrong's first retirement from cycling in 2005, antidoping experts had come to a new consensus.
Nine out of ten could stand, walk, and climb at least a few stairs independently by the time of discharge.
Julia Gillard, the Labor prime minister, has promised a vote by the time of the general election due next year.
ECONOMIST: More moves towards restitution for native Australians
But by the time of the snake's launch in April 1972, rising inflation made it a sitting target for speculators.
By the time of the club world cup, this chelsea will be stronger in midfield possessing which is Corinthians biggest weakness.
All this assumes that by the time of the election, credit for the expansion will still be viewed as an asset.
In the main, it did: by the time of Sheikh Hamad's accession, the disturbances had become smaller, fewer and farther between.
By the time of the marquess's death this week most of the money had been spent and the property had gone.
But these public expressions have not, by the time of this writing, at the end of 2006, yielded a sufficient international response.
By the time of the auction, three-month interbank rates had fallen back to well below the 6.75% set by the central bank.
But by the time of his jailhouse interview with the junk bond king, Michaels had come to see Milken in a Schumpeterian light.
However, we imagine this will continue to improve with time, so by the time of seeding it may be a completely different story.
ENGADGET: E Ink reference phone and flexible display hands-ons (video)