Jesuits, by tradition, are schooled in both so Pope Francis will be up to the job.
By tradition, throwing a shoe, is the most insulting act in the Arab world.
By tradition, the moons of Pluto have names associated with Hades and the underworld.
ENGADGET: Pluto moon names to be selected by public voting, we talk to astronomer Mark Showalter
By tradition the party that comes out ahead has first dibs at forming a government.
By tradition, though not by explicit constitutional diktat, foreign policy is the French president's preserve.
Before fees, which by tradition among hedge funds are rapacious, the managers are perhaps beating the market.
Muslim men are by tradition forbidden to touch women who are not members of their close family.
In reality, these were the imperial family quarters, and every detail of Harem life was governed by tradition, obligation and ceremony.
He has provided the kind of documentation that candidates for President have now, by tradition, provided for 30 years.
Young people, unshackled by tradition, are leading the charge away from old stereotypes.
Such insights seemed virtually impossible for the absolute ruler of an organization bound by tradition to the point of sclerosis.
By tradition, around a fifth of voters are reckoned to make up their minds at the time of the convention.
So the stakes are huge--yet once again Japan appears to be paralyzed by tradition, as it was in Perry's day.
By tradition, MPs stayed in the Commons chamber, waiting to be summoned to hear the speech in the Lords by Black Rod.
The new radicals are enthralled by God, by Islam and by tradition.
By tradition on the last night we have the Morita family's own brand of sake, and salmon sashimi with Morita soy sauce.
And though voters this election embraced change, the president and first lady are abiding by tradition--at least when it comes to their clothes.
By tradition, the S.G. staff operates according to a different standard from that of the hired guns who generally appear before the Supreme Court.
By tradition, the head of the World Bank is an American, while its sister institution, the International Monetary Fund, is headed by a European.
By tradition, the majority leader's job is to find the sense of the Senate and make the deal that lets the Senate work its will.
Public touching by tradition is frowned upon, but this prohibition is relaxed in the rugby scrums that form in crowded buses, trains and department stores.
By tradition Germany is strongly pro-European, and by political preference it likes to operate at 27, a format that gives like-minded fiscal hawks and free-traders greater influence.
By tradition, public employees have said they accepted lower salaries in exchange for better benefits, but the Census data show this has not been true for a number of years.
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Superficially, giving those powers to Betty Boothroyd, the current speaker, or her successors as speaker might seem to get around that, since her office is by tradition a non-partisan one.
There, from a balcony, he will greet crowds one last time before his resignation takes effect and the Swiss Guards, who by tradition protect the pope, ceremonially leave the residence's gate.
The House of Orange is Protestant but, importantly, this is by tradition and not a legal requirement as the country today is mainly secular and practicing Protestants are outnumbered by Roman Catholics.
CNN: What Dutch 'bicycling monarchs' can teach world's royals
Some 250 organisations in Chicago, from Boy Scouts to art galleries, have benefited from the family's generosity: by tradition a Jew is expected to set aside 10% of his income for charity.
For example, both the Marine commandos and the army's parachute regiment are supposed to serve the new Joint Rapid Deployment Force, but they never train together and, by tradition, despise each other.
I've always found it funny that we prefer to eat this way, with little regard for culinary borders, but once the restaurant doors open, we revert to serving a cuisine hampered by tradition.