Two UK Cabinet Ministers flanking the Welsh Finance Minister in the Welsh Government's Cathays Park HQ.
Questions to cabinet ministers, which are normally held on Wednesday afternoon, have been rescheduled for Tuesday.
France, too busy falling irrevocably behind Germany, is only sending a few cabinet ministers.
Cabinet ministers must clear all their big speeches and news releases with prime-ministerial staff.
Reports suggest upwards of 120 Conservative MPs could vote against the government's plans, including some cabinet ministers.
In 1990, Muslim Brotherhood Cabinet ministers declared a ban on gender mixing in public high schools sports.
Neither does she hide the fact that she's told them so - 'them' being UK cabinet ministers.
In the meantime, Netanyahu and his senior cabinet ministers and advisers must devote themselves to battling Iran.
Adding insult to injury, cabinet ministers, deprived of their limousines, had to find their own way home.
Increasingly fearful of electoral defeat, backbenchers and Cabinet ministers alike have begun to angst and gossip and manoeuvre.
Foreign retailers would be able to take majority stakes in joint ventures, following a decision by Cabinet ministers.
If politicians are to gain control over policy, the quality of cabinet ministers will have to be improved.
For all its faults, the present system works: cabinet ministers requiring additional resources compete for them against colleagues.
Since the 1970s, cabinet ministers have usually been allowed to appoint a personal political adviser at public expense.
ECONOMIST: Civil-service reform: The ascent of mandarins | The
But two of Egypt's 31 cabinet ministers are Coptic, as are many of the country's more prominent businessmen.
During the review a wide range of people, from cabinet ministers, stakeholders and Wales audit office staff were interviewed.
So far five cabinet ministers from the ruling party have lost their seats to the opposition in the elections.
But the BBC has learnt plotters against Mr Brown felt six Cabinet ministers may back them in the "right circumstances".
BBC: Brown coup plot shows Labour 'deeply divided' - Cameron
Cabinet ministers were reduced to asking each other, and even in some cases the media, for information about her condition.
In the 1990s, Heseltine set up a competitiveness unit with 30 members and many cabinet ministers sat on its committee.
To some that lack of accountability was reflected in the fact two members of Jamaat have served as Cabinet ministers.
Both men were cabinet ministers in the Conservative federal government of Brian Mulroney, and espouse similar social and economic policies.
In fact, there are three cabinet ministers in the central government from the Tamil community, all of whom were elected.
Today, all but the lucky cabinet ministers with ring-fenced departments have just learnt that their budgets are to be cut again.
Reacting to al-Maliki's comments, al-Sadr's political committee issued a statement Wednesday warning that its cabinet ministers might quit as a result.
Many Labour candidates including cabinet ministers rammed home the idea that the Conservatives could not be trusted to keep the peace.
The loss of two Green Party cabinet ministers means Mr Cowen now only has seven of 15, the minimum constitutionally allowed.
In 1983, four key South Korean cabinet ministers, including Foreign Minister Lee Bum-suk, were killed in a bomb blast in Rangoon.
Only two former National Party cabinet ministers did so: Adriaan Vlok, ex-minister of law and order, and Piet Koornhof, ex-development minister.
Among the accused are several of Yadav's cronies in the Bihar government, three former cabinet ministers and a host of top-ranking officials.