Koreans want to see commercial space built and filled with big international companies with cachet.
England has many artistic landmarks, but few can match the literary cachet of Haworth Village.
There's a certain cachet to being an analog soul in a digital world, Horchow said.
Its high-octane energy and strong cast should give it a must-see cachet among younger moviegoers.
On the higher end, Saks is limping, but Tiffany's cachet makes it worth 30 times.
Leicas, Zeisses and Nikons may be fine, but they don't carry the cachet of Swarovski.
Many homeowners now use terms like "villa, " "maison" and "crest" to try to add cachet.
Furthermore, she says, dog hair has a certain cachet as a raw material for art.
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After all, Apple itself carries plenty of cachet no matter what product name comes after it.
Make no doubt about it, Flipboard as a brand has something of a cachet.
And while it carries a certain special-occasion cachet internationally, sushi is by no means the Japanese zenith of gastronomy.
And her music gained hipster cachet, even fully divorced from the cultural flash of its time.
Homebrew can be excellent, but it is highly variable, sometimes lumpy and lacks a certain cachet.
Those European luxury brands carry more cachet than Lincoln, whose market share has been sinking for years.
The Trump name has cachet, and his commanding and charismatic manner makes him awfully fun to watch.
It's another reason why '70s homes don't enjoy the same cachet as those from other, well-defined decades.
Despite the cachet of the red soles, Louboutin has not been particularly aggressive in fending off imitators.
Keep the high prices, high cachet, high margins and high profits but sacrifice potential future market share?
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What's remarkable about this situation is that the concept of a "playoff" has never carried more cachet.
Now RIM has no chance of catching up with competitors generating an enormous lead in usability and cachet.
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Having the cachet of a biotech haven helps attract bright scientists, new startups and, eventually, more tax revenue.
What does it do for Google, besides provide the cachet of owning the Web's most popular video site?
Endorsements will be the first to go, then the apparel business and possibly the cachet of golf-course design.
Indeed, after the advent of printing, illuminated manuscripts increased their cachet as hand-made luxury items for the elite.
Companies can also sponsor their own contests, known as CodeSprints, which bring marketing cachet as well as new hires.
But it was Incisa's father, Marchese Mario Incisa, who elevated the Maremma to worldwide cachet with a single whim.
The series remained on the air for nearly a decade, gaining a sizable audience and cachet for both networks.
Fair enough: and yet people in every age and culture have always hunted for ways to acquire social cachet.
If house-brand shoes don't hurt Saks' cachet, its expansion into the provinces might.
Mr Schwartz owes his cachet to his background as a scenario planner, which is about as respectable as futurology gets.