The bright red feathers around its eyes and noisy cackle are hard to miss once identified.
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The King laughed for the first time, a cackle edged, like a burnt cookie, with bitterness.
NEWYORKER: The King of Sentences
Springsteen arrived and greeted everyone with a quick hello and his distinctive cackle.
Sporadically, a sharp cackle emanated from Al Franken, who wandered the chamber, looking for Republicans he could charm into laughing.
NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber
The two walked side by side across the clubhouse and into the office of manager Terry Collins, who let out a cackle so loud it could be heard from down the hall.
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In one sequence, in a music store, her character, Corinne, straps on an accordion an instrument she tried out as a child and, staggering under the weight of it, throws her head back and lets out a full-throated cackle.
NEWYORKER: Devotions
His laugh is a sharp cackle.