It is said to have started after a member of the Green Giants stole a bottle of alcohol from a Caesarian member.
BBC: Jesus Green, Cambridge
The number of women giving birth by Caesarian births has increased dramatically in recent years, an official study is set to confirm.
BBC: Big rise in Caesarean births
"I thought they were papers for the caesarian, but then the nurse said to me, 'I think they are going to close you, '" she said.
In 1980, just 9% of births involved a Caesarian and the World Health Organisation recommends that the procedure is used in 10% to 15% of all births.
BBC: Big rise in Caesarean births
The study, which is half-completed, aims to produce clear figures on the number of Caesarian sections being carried out on the NHS and to provide an explanation for the increase.
BBC: Big rise in Caesarean births
One student told the BBC Caesarian Sunday "represented students at their most irresponsible", however, another - a member of a college drinking society - said he intended to "hang out" on Jesus Green.
BBC: Jesus Green, Cambridge