In recent years, controversy has also swirled around energy drinks, which also contain caffeine.
Alert Energy Caffeine Gum was introduced earlier this month by Wrigley, a division of Mars Inc.
Instead, they say, the primary active ingredient in Monster and other carbonated energy drinks is caffeine.
The products' labels often don't say how much caffeine is contained in the drink.
They also found high levels of caffeine after a late-season storm that triggered sewer overflows.
Adam Hetnarski, manager of Fidelity Select Technology, turned over his holdings a caffeine-addled 549% last year.
Regular soda is typically packed with calories, caffeine as well as high fructose corn syrup.
Thus caffeine can be used to help you sleep, and poison ivy can cure itching.
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Finally, avoid over-the-counter "alertness aids" like NoDoz and Vivarin, which are overloaded with caffeine.
But there was no explanation as to why men fared no better after their caffeine fix.
One is that it contains less caffeine than almost any other form of prepared coffee.
By contrast, steeped or percolated coffee made with robusta beans is very strong in caffeine.
It might be considered a caffeine buzz kill given the audience and the hour.
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According to Medscape, 10 or more grams of caffeine can be fatal in adults.
"Women quit smoking, and stop drinking alcohol and caffeine for their kids, " she says.
AeroShot is a small plastic tube loaded with 100mg of caffeine and B vitamins.
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One piece contains 40 mg of caffeine, the same amount found in a half cup of coffee.
In comparison, 25.5 percent of women who consumed more than 200 mg of caffeine a day miscarried.
Researchers say it made no difference whether the caffeine came from coffee, soda, tea or hot chocolate.
Monster does not recommend children, pregnant women or those sensitive to caffeine consume its beverages, Taylor said.
"It turns out that caffeine actually lasts in your body for quite a long time, " Dollar said.
His "Perky Jerky" gets an extra-long soak in marinade infused with "guarana, " a tropical berry that contains caffeine.
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The movie, seventeen years in the making, consists of a series of black-and-white vignettes involving caffeine and nicotine.
Gary Rodkin, in charge of PepsiCo beverages and foods for North America, sees opportunity in pushing caffeine-free drinks.
At the airport we fed him the only pain reliever in my flight bag, Excedrin, which has caffeine.
But will it be enough to get more Chinese customers to line up for a daily caffeine fix?
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However, when the women were given 250mg of caffeine - equivalent to a double espresso, their tolerance improved.
Caffeine is already included as an ingredient in some painkilling tablets - but only in relatively small doses.
Major League Baseball has strict limits on stimulants like ephedrine and methamphetamine, but no restrictions on caffeine use.
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Dollar says that although he recommends limiting caffeine intake, other lifestyle habits are more damaging to your body.