After a cagey opening, Scotland goalkeeper Alan Martin had to save twice in the 15th minute.
The first 45 minutes was a cagey affair, with real chances at a premium.
With a shaved head and regulation black clothes he is a friendly, if somewhat cagey, individual.
If the answers are cagey, if he won't show the computer to me, I'll walk away.
American officials are more cagey, saying only that there is still plenty to discuss.
The GAC executives were cagey about when the automaker might actually start selling their cars here.
Glaspie received a cagey and defensive reply from Saddam when she asked the meaning of the deployment.
He's cagey about the other ingredients, but some of his scientific papers hint at carbon, tungsten and boron.
Prosecutors are cagey about discussing whether there are many more charges to be mined from Mr Rajaratnam's network.
Benitez was cagey when asked about United's title win following his own side's 2-0 victory over West Brom.
In a typically cagey start, Chelsea had more of the possession but Liverpool carved out the clearer opportunities.
Although some of America's big grain handlers are cagey about their plans, one company has already taken the plunge.
Microsoft has not yet made a public announcement about fixing the flaw, and was cagey with me about it.
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Matt Hazley went close for Newry early on with a long-range free-kick but it was a cagey opening 25 minutes.
Hashim says the company's cash has been depleted by exploration costs, though he is cagey on how much is his.
The other Democratic senators in rural states could find themselves in similar fights and have been cagey over the issue.
Scunthorpe had settled more quickly after a cagey opening to the game and Garry Thompson was put through on goal.
In those cagey maneuvers on the floor, the two rivals stalked each other like cats on the plains of the Serengeti.
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What had been a tight, cagey game tipping the Devils' way had suddenly turned into a desperate cause for the hosts.
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Mr. Cuomo said the bill needed to be changed, and he was cagey for months on whether he would sign it.
But the Tigers captain had little opportunity to impress in a cagey first period before being forced off with an elbow injury.
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Most are tucked away inside industrial warehouses, and their members tend to be cagey about the location and stingy with the invitations.
The Scot won a cagey first set with a fine drop-shot before a very close second which Blake won on a tie-break.
The next 20 minutes were cagey and the fans couldn't help but go quiet as they braced themselves for a half-hour of extra time.
At least, in the financial sector, business activity is so volatile that managements are cagey enough not to give detailed quarterly or annual forecasts.
He can be charming yet cagey about his private life and is rarely shaken by discussions of even the most controversial revelations on WikiLeaks.
It was cagey and tight but both sides cancelled each other out and the chances were limited to one failed shot at goal by Thomas.
The key suppliers of digital e-book readers have been cagey about revealing how many devices they have manufactured and how many they have actually sold.
The company still is very cagey about the actual revenue generated.
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