In my Greenblatt model, I calculate return on capital and earnings yield in the same ways that Greenblatt lays out in his book.
Libor, a daily average of borrowing costs announced by a panel of London-based banks, is used to calculate payments on hundreds of trillions of dollars-worth of financial contracts.
GM's weakness in the Old Economy--jack of all models, master of few--could turn out to be an ace in the New Economy car-portal wars, which will calculate value on ears-per-hour, not J.
This doozy of a form requires them to marshal 41 months of phone bills, tally the tax paid each month, group those taxes into 14 chunks, and then calculate interest on their rebate for each of the 14 chunks using a different multiplier.
Pricing on low-volume imported sports cars is always mysterious, and there's no easy way to calculate the ROI on the GT-R.
WSJ: Nissan's Mad Scientists Grow a Bluntly Boffo GT-R | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
Individuals liable for Additional Medicare Tax will calculate the liability on their Form 1040.
It is important to calculate the return on your holdings each month in order to determine your actual annual return.
The precise length of a river is not easy to calculate and depends on correctly identifying the source and the mouth.
He said that one of his professors offered to end class for the rest of the semester and calculate grades based on current performance.
The sums required to calculate the interest on a deposit for a part of a day will be horribly complicated under the 12x60x60 system.
And before you distribute a penny, ask your tax accountant to calculate the impact on your state tax bill and your federal alternative minimum tax liability.
Examine the market basket of goods or services they purchase over a six-to-twelve-month period and then calculate the margin on each basket, keeping track of discounts and price concessions.
All well and good: these are sophisticated banks which know how to calculate the odds on risk and reward, and this is a clever way for regulators to monitor them.
As the name PRVit implies, we calculate separate scores on performance, risk and market valuation for each of 8, 000 global companies, and ranks them relative to the scores for all other companies.
As Fred Wilson notes, Clay Christensen (an associate and in some respects a contemporary of my own) talks frequently about the way corporate executives calculate a Return On Investment (ROI) on any investment they make.
If Barclays hasn't, in fact, obtained or offered such loans, its new rules say it must calculate the rate on the basis of other secured loans that the bank has been involved with (i.e. loans backed by collateral).
On-demand reports and analytics driven by Big Data solutions help firms calculate their position based on a single version of the truth.
FORBES: Know Your Financial Position On-Demand with a Single Version of the Truth
The impact on monthly premiums for prescription drug coverage is hard to calculate, since different plans on the market charge varying premiums.
An increasing amount of analysis based on cash flow is now carried out among institutional equity investors to calculate the real cash return on assets.
Depending on how you calculate it, the direct cost of developing a drug equals everything that you actually spend on the drug that makes it, plus all of the costs of the drugs that failed.
When you figure out what price you should ask for, calculate your interest cost on the receivable.
FORBES: Procter & Gamble: Basis Point Wise, Percentage Point Foolish
You calculate the deduction based on qualified education expenses you pay for yourself, your spouse, or a dependent.
Did he calculate the tax based on the full face value of your purchase, or the discounted amount you paid for it?
FORBES: Social Confusion: How Do Sales Taxes Apply To A Groupon?
Meanwhile, since the market does not know by how much the government will allow Petrobras to raise gasoline prices, it is not yet possible to calculate the net impact on inflation.
FORBES: Investors Beat Consumers As Petrobras Raising Gas Prices In Brazil - Report
To roughly calculate, I build on a study of 120 countries by Christine Zhen-Wei Qiang of the World Bank that found that a 10 percent increase in mobile phone penetration correlates with a 0.8 percent average increase in GDP growth.
When given a date in the last century she could instantly calculate which day it fell on.
States must provide free computer software to help retailers calculate sales taxes, based on where shoppers live.
Another trick in more than a dozen states: Calculate pensions based not only on salary but on expenses, too.
Mr Scholes favours relying less on VAR to calculate capital reserves against losses.