The drafted guidelines set specific criteria for research and call for establishment of a "Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Review Group, " which would document and monitor compliance.
The drug culture, the hippie elements, the SDS, Black Panthers, etc. do NOT consider me as their enemy or as they call it The Establishment.
It is also said to call for the establishment of an interim Palestinian state, with a final peace settlement to be reached by the end of 2005.
Clinton used her speech at the East Asia Summit to again call for the establishment of an international legal mechanism through which to solve territorial disputes in Asia.
WSJ: Clinton Presses China to Do More to Restrain North Korea
The summit is expected to call for the establishment of a global food fund and see pledges of food aid from wealthy countries to poor nations to ward off food shortages.
He also used the newspaper comment piece to call for the establishment of a Committee on Electoral Reform, made up of 100 citizens, to consult on a new electoral system and take its proposals to a referendum.
The United States should facilitate the cease-fire announced yesterday by Ortega and call for the establishment of a international mechanism for its supervision under the auspices of the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) of the Organization of American States.
But most critics would call Loach anti-establishment and, in his interview with Duncan, the director agreed.
The UNESCO Iraq Office in cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Education, launched in June 2011 a call for proposal for the establishment of community learning centers targeting vulnerable illiterates including women and unemployed youth in Iraq.
On the political front in Italy, Democratic Party leader Pier Luigi Bersani's attempts to form a coalition government took a hit after the anti-establishment Five-Star Movement rejected his call for support.
Then, shortly before the broadcast, a phone call from Governor Dewey, who, for all his establishment credentials, had been a real Nixon supporter, threw the candidate into a tailspin.
CNN's Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour described Khamenei's address as a heartfelt defense of Iran's establishment but said it was uncertain the opposition would heed his call to end demonstrations.
If the turnout is as dismally low as the political establishment fears, it will hurt the president first (he chose to call the referendum, despite divisions over the reform within his own party), but it will also tarnish Mr Jospin, who has long supported the reform.
Ms. Le Pen didn't call on her supporters to back Mr. Sarkozy and said "tonight, the blue wave is rocking the establishment, " referring to her first name, which translates as navy blue.