The former Motorola engineer Marty Cooper, in fact, made the first-ever wireless phone call in 1973.
If you spot them in your home or experience bites, do not wait to call in an exterminator.
"This is a job where you can't very often call in sick, " manager Joe Girardi said.
In 2009 during a port call in Belgium, it was stabbed 42 times by a vandal.
Maoist rebels have given a 24-hour strike call in five states, including Bihar, on Wednesday.
Crucially, she confirmed that she reserved the right to call in the decision herself.
Sinn Fein made the call in its motion on the legacy of the 2012 Paralympic Games.
Many media organizations played the audio tape of the prank call in part or its entirety.
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Syracuse got hit with an offensive foul call in the final minute, down just two points.
The decision to call in the troops suggests this is Mr Putin's chosen route.
The governor had to call in troops to halt the destructive drilling on single-family home lots.
Our conversation began with my confronting him for not returning my call in early 1992...
Wildlife experts have said they will ask the Secretary of State to "call in" the decision.
Had the banks been allowed to call in loans sooner, they might have lost less.
Hence Mr Breuer's decision to call in counsellors to run workshops on mutual understanding.
And if a call in the schedule is layered on, we will let you know.
Merchant banks must seek permission from a committee of bankers before they call in promissory notes.
The company's failure forced the government to call in 3, 500 extra military personnel to help.
Sweden's Carl Bildt and Poland's Radek Sikorski made the call in the International Herald Tribune newspaper.
So I take the phone call in my best professional voice - Monica Crowley here.
It would also have made them more likely to call in collateral from other counterparties.
Police have released CCTV images after an ambulance was attacked while on an emergency call in Bristol.
No problem: You just cash out of the fund and call in the mortgage by prepaying it.
But if I knew I could call in and not be put on hold forever, I'd call.
But, rather than continue the discussion, he asked one of his assistants to call in the candidate.
The North Wales Health Alliance has called on the first minister to call in the whole plan.
Laurie Didham said parents tend not to call in the first few weeks after a child's death.
And you have to be right on your short-term call in the price of the metal itself.
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At least when I call in the order -- "Isaac's regular" -- I do it with devotion.