The court accepted opposition claims there were some violations but said this could not call into question the entire poll.
Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity Sane, said every violent incident involving a mentally ill person would inevitably call into question the policy of care in the community.
The fact that vorapaxar came from SGP, and was a key asset at SGP, will partly call into question the value of MRK buying SGP.
This case and others challenging the validity of patent protection call into question whether the patent office is abdicating its role of supporting inventors, both big and small, instead becoming an impediment to American innovation.
These capabilities certainly call into question the logic of being there in an office full-time.
They even call into question the very logic of office space and furniture.
Slocombe and Zuberbuhler argue that their results call into question the need to look to gestures for the origins of language.
Does this call into question the idea that NATO could do something like this without the U.S. in the driving seat?
It could be a cash injection, a sponsorship deal or they may call into question the team's training facilities and bonuses.
"This decision does not at all call into question the electric vehicle strategy of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, " the company said in a statement.
"Taken together, these inaccuracies and deletions call into question the integrity of the data on adverse cardiovascular events in this article, " it read.
Technology also will call into question the need for the 3, 600 campuses currently in existence in the U.S., as students take advantage of online offerings that are accessible from any location.
The slide, especially when coupled with other recent IPOs, such as that of Chinese social networking company RenRen, seemed to call into question the health of an IPO market that otherwise appeared resurgent.
FORBES: Boingo Wireless CEO On 'Challenging' IPO Market And Carrier Partnerships
"Fillon made clear it had not been his intention to call into question the UK's rating but to highlight that ratings agencies appeared more focused on economic governance than deficit levels, " the spokesman said.
Although the danger of terrorist violence facing many states could not be underestimated, they said, that should not call into question the absolute nature of the ban on torture under Article 3 of the European Convention.
If this bit of data point assembly is correct and Apple unveils something like this on Wednesday, it would likely call into question the near term viability of NFC powered mobile payments that require POS upgrades.
FORBES: Apple, iOS 6 & Mobile Payments - One More Thing for the iPhone 5?
Such a step would not only call into question the patriotism of the many Muslims in America who do not embrace the Brotherhood's Shariah agenda - something that would, presumably, be as offensive to them as it would be troubling to the rest of us.
Counsel for the defence argued that as the appeal judge had rejected key elements of the original prosecution and trial, if the same evidence was to be relied upon in a retrial, as it undoubtedly would, then that could potentially call into question the integrity of the administration of justice.
BBC: Real IRA murders: Brian Shivers faces Massereene retrial
Events this week call into question whether the United States is being completely candid in explaining its extension requests.
FORBES: DOJ's Advantage-Seeking Delay Maneuvers at Supreme Court: Time for Transparency
Areva, which has been a recurring target for Islamist activists there over the past three years, said Niger forces would now handle the security of its operations but didn't call into question its presence in the country, where it has been mining uranium for 40 years.
The firestorm surrounding this year's payout could call into question Hester's tenure at the bank.
This appears to call into play the age-old question of whether a rental activity rises to the level of a trade or business.
FORBES: Ten Things We Learned From The New Obamacare Investment Tax Regulations
The suits brought by NYT and OpinionLabs formally call the validity of Lodsys's patents into question, but unfortunately don't change the game for devs Lodsys already sued, who would still be responsible for licensing fees and other damages if the court determines the patents to be valid (and their apps to be infringing).
ENGADGET: New York Times, OpinionLab sue Lodsys seeking declaratory judgement
The survey results call into question stereotypes that men compartmentalize sex and emotions, says Jean Malpas, a psychotherapist in New York.
If talks remain at an impasse, the budget will remain frozen at current levels, something that many MEPs say could call into question future funding for organisations such as the External Action Service and the ITER nuclear reactor.
The State Department, however, has argued against breaking the agreement, saying that if the United States were to renege on the Algiers deal, the decision would call into question America's commitment to honoring all its other treaties and agreements as well.
The two firms said the claims did not call into question their own integrity.
BBC: KPMG quits audit roles over insider trading allegations
Simons suggest that methodological problems call earlier studies into question, and leave the relationship between games and cognition unclear.
But it might also call into question organisations' independence and put the service at risk of government spending cuts.