The subsequent surge in Harley-Davidson shares inspired the investor to sell the now in-the-money call options and roll the bullish stance to a higher strike price.
There were nominating and seconding speeches, and then the traditional roll call of the states.
The documentary lingers on the solemn roll call, making the point that members of Nixon's own party had limits to how much they could stomach.
Diana DeGette, a leader of the Pro-Choice Caucus in the House, told Roll Call that the amendments represented the biggest restrictions on a woman's right to an abortion that she has yet seen.
Chief among them was Clinton's call during Wednesday's roll call of the states to give Obama the nomination by voice vote.
"The exhibition was a roll-call of the most important Russian artists at the time, " notes Ms. Mansfield.
Instead, it was the result of two roll call votes taken in the course of many hours of impassioned debate on the floor of the U.S. Senate.
By the narrowest of margins, after a breathless and unpredictable roll call, the amendment passes, with most Republicans in favor but many Democrats opposed.
When the state roll call was completed at 2336 local time, McCain was declared the nominee with 2, 372 delegate votes.
Louis putting their ninth rookie pitcher on the roster already on June 1st, by the time September call-ups roll around, one would have to think the Cards will be on the leader list.
The roll call so far includes Demi Moore, Madonna, Gene Wilder, Sir Elton John and Michael Douglas.
You can see who voted how by checking out the roll call here (spoiler alert: there are no surprises).
The extraordinary nomination began with the otherwise routine act of the roll call, in which delegates cast their vote for presidential nominee.
The roll call was coming a day after two leading conservatives, Sens.
The roll call began with Alabama and proceeding through Iowa after Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert gaveled the convention session to order.
Nor does the US, UK, Germany, the Seychelles - yes, the Seychelles played a key role - or the rest of the roll call.
During the roll call on the House floor, Cantor grimaced and shook his head when his name was called out as a replacement for Boehner.
"I got goosebumps just driving down the road a couple hours after they told me about the trade, and start thinking about the roll call, " Wells said.
Yarmuth was the captain of the Democratic team that each year takes on a Republican team in a Ryder Cup-style charity event called the Roll Call Cup.
WSJ: Why Golf and Politics Don't Mix | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Still, the roll call will show voters where senators stand, "and then the rest of us have to decide just how we feel about people and their stance, " Bloomberg said.
After the roll call, Mr Clinton added specifics.
ECONOMIST: Barack Obama struggled this week to unite his party
The roll call of great hedge fund managers includes many names that are becoming more familiar to casual readers of mainstream newspapers and magazines: Arthur Samberg, Paul Tudor Jones, Philip Falcone, Steve Cohen, Paul Singer.
The measure went to committee (Ways and Means, then chaired by Rep. Rengel) and then to the floor of the House where it was debated on October 7, 2009 and eventually passed with a vote of 243-173 ( you can see the roll call here).
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But the remnants of a once-thriving mining industry in northern France have now been included in a roll call of the world's greatest landmarks.
As it is, the most conservative Democrat votes to the left of the most liberal Republican, according to CQ Roll Call, part of The Economist Group.
Ms. BOEGERS: If the Obama campaign fails to have a true roll-call vote where the pledged delegates get to vote for the candidate that they were selected and elected to represent, I think people will come out of the convention un-unified, and so the ball is really in the Obama campaign's court.
The Bleacher Creatures' roll call was loaded with new names because of injuries and the departures of free agents Nick Swisher and Russell Martin.
More significant is that the list of companies involved in this work has been transformed from a collection of relatively small and little-known concerns, bravely struggling with the elements and unconvinced investors, to a roll-call of some of the biggest names in engineering and energy.