While other leaders chastised German callousness, Lagarde listened to their objections, then left the room.
The callousness this time could be worse than the bet against shaky mortgage portfolios.
New spending commitments are unaffordable, but Mr Cameron cannot oppose them without inviting charges of callousness.
Where is the remedial measure or penalty for this callousness on the part of management which shows up so often?
What I am trying to get across is the coldness and callousness.
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All got high scores on the Psychopathy Checklist, the "gold standard" in the field, which assesses traits like lack of remorse, callousness and grandiosity.
Is libertarianism just a convenient ideological cover for selfishness and callousness?
In Nairobi, she acknowledged that American personnel had mishandled things, but tried to argue that they were acting out of concern for people's safety, not from callousness.
Most of them behaved with appalling callousness to their charges, especially in the cattle trucks used for rail transports and in the convict ships of the Far East.
Lord help us to turn from callousness to sensitivity, from hostility to love, from pettiness to purpose, from envy to contentment, from carelessness to discipline, from fear to faith.
They are antagonized by what they perceive as the Reagan Administration's callousness, and dismayed at the lackluster response of the Democratic Party, which they have faithfully supported since the New Deal.
Suppose, as in the case of Enron, someone left additional discoverable documentation that attorneys could easily portray as wanton callousness, and the paper trail lead right up to the C-suite offices.
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His own callousness is at odds with the preciousness conferred by time and by reputation, but it is worth keeping in mind the irony of viewing under glass what were sometimes everyday lists and accounts.