During the 20-minute drive, he spoke easily and impressed me with his knowledge, English fluency, and calm, kind air.
BBC: Piecing together puzzles in Cambodia
There is an air of calm and peace at this racing oval at the foot of the San Gabriel mountains.
The Swede has exuded an air of calm into England's team, an ambience reflected by the measured response to Carsten Jancker's early strike.
BBC: A legendary win
Korean Air's Morning Calm members need to fly 50, 000 miles to become SkyTeam Elite members, while their Delta brethren earn the same privileges with just 30, 000.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Getting Maximum Mileage from Air Miles
But although the transmission mentioned "failure", Mr Lewis, from Merseyside, sounded calm, said a report by the Air Accidents Investigations Branch (AAIB).
BBC: Mystery over Lancashire crash helicopter's mayday call
"All the resources of government security and strategic air are working at this moment to restore calm and tranquility to this region of the country, " he said.
Indeed, in an effort apparently designed to calm concerns, one of Boeing's airline customers - Bjorn Kjos, chief executive of Norwegian Air Shuttle - has come out in defence of the plane, echoing the view that "minor problems" such as these should be expected.
BBC: Boeing 787 Dreamliner: The impact of safety concerns