What do you think is the best way to stop binge drinking on college campuses?
Exuding a stately academic atmosphere, the college campuses are especially attractive when decked out in autumnal hues.
Women shop more on Chegg, which offers textbook rentals on college campuses across the country.
They will be at Neath Port Talbot college's Neath and Afan campuses on Thursday and Friday.
Despite the violence, at corporate campuses across Mexico, a more positive trend is at work.
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The university president, like many before him on other campuses, found out the hard way.
Feeling isolated on their campuses, they decided to join forces at an annual gathering.
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Smaller firms are to be promoted on campuses to highlight careers outside traditional large graduate recruiters.
College athletics started as truly amateur enterprises not very different from intramural athletics on campuses today.
Still, both universities and hospitals have occasionally added additional campuses to offer greater access.
Rent the Runway, another Rentership Society business, has likewise found a foothold on college campuses.
It's best suited for college campuses, military bases and corporate parks with low speed limits.
The Wall has become code for the amenities arms race on campuses across the country.
TEDx events have been held in 50 countries, in schools, companies, campuses and theaters.
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Private company Axiom Education will operate and maintain the six campuses for 30 years.
Work is under way on a further three schools - Wednesbury, Oldbury and Tipton campuses.
An important component of Springworks programs is building networks among up-and-coming entrepreneurs on college campuses.
It rose first on college campuses and then spread to municipal and state governments.
Murder, statistically speaking, is almost nonexistent on college campuses, the random Virginia Tech tragedy not withstanding.
The students on college campuses who do not belong there include many with high IQs.
The record industry has long viewed college campuses as fertile ground for introducing new music.
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Student interest is prevalent across campuses, and business schools are responding by giving their curricula facelifts.
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Microsoft operates three such centers to coordinate and monitor their global campuses, operations, and security.
All reflect changes in the corporate mindset that spawned the campuses dotting outer suburbia.
Something right is happening today on many of our campuses, beyond all the anxiety.
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About 15, 000 study at the college's campuses in Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Ashford, Folkestone and Dover.
A. program to have full-fledged campuses on two continents--one in France and the other in Singapore.
If the UCLA arrangement goes unchanged, Condren fears, it could set a precedent on campuses nationwide.
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Of course, as America's campuses strive to become greener, some kinks will need to be addressed.
The North West Regional College employs 852 staff at its campuses in Londonderry, Limavady and Strabane.