If you can -- we can certainly take a look at that and maybe get a better answer.
Two recent exits from the TOPs program illustrate what it can--and can't--achieve.
They can -- he can work to do the things that I just talked about, in terms of fuel-efficiency standards or clean energy investments.
If we can -- if we can harmonize regulations in ways that avoid unnecessary duplication and red tape for business -- these are things that we need to do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Press Conference | The White House
And I'm wondering, does the administration consider it all but inevitable that GM is going to go to bankruptcy, or is there still some hope being held out that they can -- that can be averted?
So the President will have an ability to consult with Asian partners about his strategic review, as well as their own commitments in Afghanistan and how that can -- how we can coordinate our efforts to best achieve our goals.
If anyone can Capello can - or rather if he can't then no-one can - was the popular view on whether the cultured Italian, who had one of the most distinguished managerial CV's in the business, could lead England to glory.
To what degree is the structure and the integrity of the well -- how can that -- can that sustain either assisting with a kill operation as it relates to the relief well, or can you try a separate kill operation using this cap and this blowout preventer?
Is it garden variety staph or is it the more resistant MRSA. The - but there are newer tests, rapid tests that can - that are - can make the diagnosis in just a few hours, which I think will be, you know, very helpful in detecting this much more often.
So have people talk about atmospheres, interiors, dynamics, and other processes that go on, on them - you know, on service processes, for instance, and then having discussed, you know, the things that we - the processes that we associate with these bodies to say, okay, now, can we - can we as a group articulate some definitions that would capture the essence of what we've been talking about?
We can all agree -- but we can all agree not on how or what we do -- we can all agree on the increasingly desperate plight of the Syrian people and the responsibility of the international community to address that plight.
If they want to change the law, they should -- going back to what we can do -- what they can do, legislatively -- they should try to pass a law to change it.
Once you've made your investment, there's no limit to how big the company can grow, how much you can roll over or how many times you can do a rollover--provided you can find another small-business stock to roll your gains into.
And I heard a lot of apologists for Mr. Jackson saying some things that I think we can -- the sheriff and I -- can talk about that I think are important for you, as the media, and for the public, who is going to hear these things, to be told.
You know, the only setback I can say is that you do need to have two years of tax returns and if you've just, you know, recently got a job, you know, if you lost one, then that can -- that can definitely be a setback.
You can -- the money you can save is the equivalent of a very nice tax cut for people.
After all, if the snorkelling around Flores can be sublime -- and it can -- then the diving is best described as a raw, life-affirming adventure.
And we believe that we can -- the United States can and should play a constructive role in facilitating negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.
And the reason, when we talk about Social Security, even though it is not a driver, it is not the problem when we talk about our deficits, it does have long-term solvency issues that can be -- that can be addressed and we can strengthen the program.
And the issue now is providing that kind of assistance and advice as the world -- as their country moves closer to a situation where they can -- the citizens of Libya can pick their own leaders and decide their own political future.
Mr. JACOBS: (As Turner Stull) Can you just - can you get my ladder?
The motto of Joining Forces is very simple: Everyone can do something -- everyone can do something -- to honor and support the brave men and women who have served us all so well.
WHITEHOUSE: President and Mrs Obama on the American Jobs Act Bus Tour
There's nothing we can do - we can't hold back nature so we've just got to sit and wait.
"The weather's a challenge for lots of people and we're managing as best we can - we can manage the circumstances but we can't manage the weather, " he told BBC News.
You can express - you can state a goal, you can express a hope, but ultimately you don't want to telegraph to your enemies, and also you don't know what's going to happen between now and then.
So if other countries can do it, we can do it -- and we can do it in a responsible way.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference at the APEC Summit