Even though most of its young workforce is unpaid, the can-do attitude is catching.
How do you instill in your daughter a can-do spirit and these kinds of high standards?
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If someone knows how to reflect this can-do spirit in a valuation, please let me know.
The phenomenon of home schooling is a wonderful example of the American can-do attitude.
The history of whaling is both a testament to American can-do and a shame worn uneasily.
This is a signal of Ethiopia moving from an aid dependent economy to a can-do economy.
They must approach every e-mail, phone call and interview with energy, enthusiasm and a can-do spirit.
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His blunt talk and assertive, can-do manner struck people as being fresh and different.
And that defiant, can-do spirit is what runs through the veins of American history.
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He sealed his reputation as a can-do builder with fast work on Shajiao B.
But when it comes to finding work, their can-do attitude can only take them so far.
The point here is that commoditization of a channel initially swings the pendulum toward broad-based, anyone-can-do-it material.
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For many business travelers, particularly women of the can-do variety, seeking help from the concierge seems counterintuitive.
Her interviews, movie roles and the products she endorses, like Cover Girl, show an optimistic, can-do personality.
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Councillor Wesley Fitzgerald will lead the new Cheshire East authority, which he says will be a "can-do" council.
At the core of our culture is a can-do spirit that welcomes challenge.
The Can-Do Early Stage Venture Capital Investment Club meets four times a year to hear pitches from prequalified entrepreneurs.
"There were many candidates with the same skills and experience, but what differentiated her was her can-do attitude, " he says.
People believe in and follow leaders who do not show their frustration, but do show determination and a positive, can-do attitude.
It is terribly difficult to breed a can-do spirit, but the raw energy that fuels it can be harnessed and channeled appropriately.
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Venture capitalist Tim Draper acknowledged the can-do attitude of young Chinese urbanites.
"High-quality companies grow despite what happens to markets, because they have the can-do spirit of innovation in them, " declares Dadiseth with pride.
Because these days farming has little to do with God and even less to do with the can-do spirit of American individualism.
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Only by necessity, through fighting for her survival, does she gain confidence and become the can-do woman familiar to legions of gamers.
Many had college-age children and were won over by Goldman's can-do personality.
And I actually don't think it's, you know, that we're always can-do.
"He had a positive, can-do attitude that inspired other workers, " MacDougall says.
Flavier's can-do spirit, combined with his winning, populist ways, led President Fidel Ramos to choose him to head the ruling coalition's senatorial slate.
We also know that the defiant, can-do spirit that moved millions to seek suffrage is what runs through the veins of American history.
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Kolbert is convinced our slacker parenting skills are a reflection of a chronic laziness in our society, a sort of generalized sense of no-can-do.
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