Building an advisory business from the ground up can be less expensive than buying a firm.
Holding meetings on or around weekends means that hotel meeting space can be less expensive, as can rooms at hotels that cater mainly to business travellers.
This can be a more robust and compact solution to housing multiple drives, and it can also be less expensive than buying multiple Firewire externals.
This also means the materials needed to form the mold can also be less expensive and replaced less often.
FORBES: Caltech Researchers Develop Cheap Process for Metallic Glass
Should we really bring jobs home to the USA just so the overall product and company can be even more expensive and less innovative?
Be aware that dinner shows can be expensive, and some of the more hidden and intimate clubs offer a less expensive alternative -- many charging only for what is consumed.
Counter-detailers reportedly inform doctors that older drugs or less expensive generics can be as or more effective in treating some conditions than newer, patented products.
The conventional wisdom held that many consumers were seeking less-expensive housing alternatives, and manufactured homes, which often can be purchased for less than half the cost of a traditional home, would serve that purpose.
As flash memory gets less expensive more of it can be included in these products even as the HDD capacity grows.
FORBES: New Seagate Solid State Hybrid Drive is Faster and Vaster
"We have a way of building stations that are far less expensive, far more safe and can be built more quickly, " says Bigelow.
It can be a lot lighter, a lot friendlier and a lot less expensive.
But it will also mean that doctors can catch things earlier, so treatment may be less invasive and less expensive.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Medicare Officially Safer After Health Reform | The White House
Similarly, the molecules for water resistance can be more expensive than some other molecules, but it costs less than premier chemicals like Gore-Tex.
FORBES: Shirts That Repel Red Wine? Thank Fossilized Fabrics
Quick recap: his new device, the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine, is a less expensive machine that provides more limited DNA information than can be had from current devices sold by Illumina of San Diego and Life Technologies of Carlsbad, Calif.
Because parallel claims can now be consolidated into one case at the federal level, there is an argument that the cases should be less expensive for plaintiffs.