The State Department can be relied upon to favor U.S. participation in international treaties.
The term refers to computers that can be relied upon to follow rules set by a publisher.
Mr Mugabe does not face re-election as executive president until 2002, and can be relied upon to obstruct reform.
Inflation may not jump as a result, because the Federal Reserve can be relied upon to raise interest rates if necessary.
Appendix A: voters will only be asked to vote when their vote can be relied upon to be the correct one.
The goal is to make sure IT governance is up to snuff and financial information from systems can be relied upon.
FORBES: Getco Gets NYSE Listing Via Reverse Merger With Knight Capital
No one can be relied upon to provide advice free of self-interest.
Implicitly, if not explicitly, the Bush Administration is saying that the new world order can be relied upon to deter future Iraqi attacks.
But if there is only one nearby mine that can be relied upon as a supplier, the electricity generator tends to own it.
Thus, barring any unforeseen catastrophic circumstances that cannot be anticipated at loan approval, a consumer can be relied upon to repay their mortgage back on time.
Much depends on Venezuela, whose production levels - if the government's version of events can be relied upon - should allow Opec to cope, says Julian Lee.
They can be relied upon to minimize concerns about the unverifiability of the accord and to muster the simple majorities in both houses needed for the joint resolution.
You want them to see you as a stake in the ground, as the person who creates a safe and honorable space where people can be relied upon.
Many of his party colleagues are heavily indebted to the grassroots organisation run by regional post-office chiefs, which can be relied upon to get out the vote come election time.
The idea is that the Federal Reserve can be relied upon in times of crisis to come to the rescue, cutting interest rates and pumping in liquidity, thus providing a floor for equity prices.
Within the world of consumer electronics, a smart marketing campaign can be relied upon to generate advance sales on the first batch of retail unit sales without relying on reviews or user feedback to drive demand.
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In recent days the chances of a rosy outcome have grown, but Mr Kuchma, like his fellow post-Soviet leaders in neighbouring states, can be relied upon to do his best to cling on as long as possible.
Because most small-molecule drugs can be manufactured with easily replicable chemical processes that lead to a largely reproducible drug formulation, the clinical trial data that supported approval of the original version can be relied upon for the generic versions.
Can Assad be relied upon to maintain any peace arrangement he agrees to?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion
The arbitration panels can also be relied upon to look to rulings by the ICJ or ITLOS to inform their own decisions.
Peak copper, peak oil, peak water, I can usually be relied upon to pooh pooh or rubbish those stories about natural resources running out.
Since I can usually be relied upon to check my e-mail religiously, I felt that I needed to warn those who are part of my virtual world.
FORBES: Traveling this summer? Don't forget to pack your privacy.
If it works, he says, the two-party system that can usually be relied upon to reach some kind of compromise might once again be allowed to function.
As Mr Blair's all-but-anointed successor, Mr Brown is now doing his utmost to portray himself as an ardent public service reformer who can also be relied upon always to put security before airy-fairy worries about civil liberties.
He and the Carnegie Endowment have long promoted the idea that arms control, international treaties and regimes, supranational government bodies, multilateral inspections and, in extremis, UN-approved sanctions can be safely relied upon to resolve basically all threats to our security.
But the North Sea's declining production can no longer be relied upon to meet demand (see chart).
Can students really be relied upon to do most of the teaching themselves?
The BCS has long since been denounced as postseason panacea, but a second split title in eight years would underscore that it can't be relied upon to pick an undisputed champion.
WSJ: BCS Championship 2012, LSU-Alabama: Should Voters Put the Tigers First for a Close Loss?
Though they are relied upon for reconnaissance and surveillance missions, UAVs can be used in a wide variety of applications such as securing pipelines for the oil and gas industry, road patrol or even face recognition.
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