It makes the kind of money that can be used to pay for yacht crews.
One of these can be used to describe CO2 levels over the past 800, 000 years.
Iceland, in effect, is a huge extended family that can be used to investigate genetic inheritance.
It can be used to translate programs such as news, sports or other timely information.
Some agencies even turn a profit, which can be used to subsidize other state services.
Current risk levels in the markets can be used to judge what those expected returns are.
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In contrast to government grants, loans can be used to set up revolving funds.
For example, only a will can be used to appoint a guardian for a child.
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Generativity can be used to tame chaos, confer predictability, and, like the McIntosh, foster invention.
What are those facets of that culture or the music that can be used to rebuild?
After that, losses from one category can be used to offset gains from the other.
It can be used to connect a 1080p monitor, or an external hard drive.
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An included black fabric attachment can be used to shield light away from your subject.
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Israel says it can be used to build rocket launch pads and military tunnels.
The heat can be used to boost the thermal expansion of the liquid air.
The Fibonacci retracement levels can be used to determine both entry and exit levels.
Moving forward, targeted public finance can be used to leverage private investment in such initiatives.
Xbox Live can be used to purchase and play back high-definition content, so who needs iTunes?
Built-in parental controls can be used to limit Internet access or some of the wireless functions.
Sideswipe it, and you will get a whirlpool which can be used to stir the contents.
The great pool of cash held by its 1.2 billion can be used to buy apartments.
Autopsies can be used to determine the effectiveness of surgical procedures and drug treatments.
Beckham is no doubt a sellable brand that can be used to justify increase subscription fees.
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This data can be used to uncover patterns which can help streamline online customer experience.
Others build up a pension fund which can be used to buy an annuity.
So the fuel cell can be used to act almost as a back up generator.
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DMFCs can be used to produce mobile devices that have no need for batteries at all.
From which you can make biogas (methane) which can be used to power those fuel cells.
"Intelligent dust" that can be used to measure air toxins is one such quest.
That means they, too, can be used to generate singlet oxygen, given the right molecular intermediary.