Mr. JACOBS: (As Turner Stull) Can you just - can you get my ladder?
Can you put two days aside so I can teach you how to write a play?
"You can talk to him, and he can hear you, but he can't respond, " she said.
"You can run but you can't hide, " Pitt joked as he accepted the award.
You can't show fatigue, you can't show terror, you can't show when you're torn up.
It's nice to be in a car where you can show what you can do.
You can have a single-payer system, you can require employers, or you can have individual responsibility.
Can you help us by not whining about a change? (Laughter.) Can you do that?
Now how can you - talking about educating the public - how can you get round that?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with shadow health secretary Liam Fox
Operator: Can, can you go through your neighbour's property and speak to our police officers out there.
Can you give us -- can you flesh out some of the details about what they'll be discussing?
Can you see into the SAP world and just, can you see all the SAPs that there are?
It's like you're so free in what you can, what you believe, no one can tell you anything.
If you owe the taxes, pay it off if you can so you can get the lien removed.
FORBES: Tax Man Chases Dread Pirate Roberts (like a Rodent of Unusual Size)
And they said, you can refinance and you can take some money out.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
The art of taxation is to raise what you can, where you can.
FORBES: The Ridiculous Idea Of Taxing Email To Save The USPO
No, but you can if you like, you can do the metric conversion.
Only if you can sing inside and out can you transmit the song.
You can pay for your haircut, you can eat in restaurants, and of course you can do your weekly shop.
You can reach out, you can find the schools in your communities, in your states, and share what you've learned.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Speaks on the HealthierUS School Challenge
You can change cameras, you can bring in archived footage, you can bring in photos and bring in other callers.
But for the next five days here is what you can do: You can talk to everybody you know.
So yes you can protect yourself, but you can't guarantee that you will get through the season without an episode.
BBC: 'One in five' struck by norovirus in Scotland, say experts
"What you can do is be engaged as fully as you can be when you are at home, " she says.
If you want to own gold that you can touch, you can buy bullion, but you'll pay a pretty price.
You can Facebook, you can visit, you can write a letter -- when was the last time you did that?
With the ReZap Battery Engineer, not only can you recharge them, but you can do so in an entirely safe manner.
ENGADGET: Digital Works' ReZap recharges disposable batteries, coming to North America in May
"You can see anatomy, you can see pathology, you can see if there has been surgery, like a bypass, " says Wade.
CNN: 'Death can tell us a lot about living,' mummy expert says
But it seems like one of those instruments that not only can you play, but you can have fun with it.
If you can get past this one, how can you get any agreement with Congress on those big issues you talked about?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on Deficit Reduction