But say that widgets in general are dangerous, and widget-makers can do nothing about it.
One problem is something that he, like Mr Obama, can do nothing about: his age.
While the ACA further increases the number of people who qualify for Medicaid, the law can do nothing about those who, despite eligibility, chose not to follow through on the application procedures that would result in coverage.
Yet the City is in danger (see article) from two sorts of threats ones that you can do nothing much about, and ones that you can.
You heard a rumor that Tom has been smearing you behind your back, and, oh God, here comes Kelly, ready to whine about how everyone and everything is just terrible and there is nothing that anyone can do about it!
Game 4 hurt, physically and mentally, but there's nothing they can do about it.
There's nothing we can do about it now, we just have to get on with it.
"There's nothing we can do about it, " says George Applegate, executive director of the Big Island Visitors Bureau.
WSJ: When It Gets Too Noisy in Paradise, They Call the Frog Whisperer
It was a bad decision, but there's nothing we can do about it.
Unfortunately, research shows there is absolutely nothing you can do about this, unless you eat and drink in moderation.
And unless that coach is banned, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
There's nothing I can do about that, but it is very, very sad.
CNN: Defense battles social media blizzard in Ohio rape case
There are a lot of players in the same boat as me, but there's nothing we can do about it now.
They are evacuating and there is nothing you can do about it!
Today, we're going to focus on cancer prevention and why so many Americans feel there's little or nothing they can do about that.
If there's nothing they can do about it, just tell us so that way we know what to expect when they bring them out.
CNN: Frustrated family of miner clings to 'one string of hope'
It's just that when I am standing in a clothing store and am comparing two pairs of pants, there's nothing I can do about it.
We're out now and there's nothing we can do about it.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | World Cup panel: Last 16 matches
"I think there is a perception that dementia is an inevitable part of the ageing process and there is nothing you can do about it, " he explained.
And how difficult is it for him to go through this, knowing that -- believing as he does -- that there's nothing he can do about it?
When it comes to fatalism about cancer prevention, however, we found the opposite, in fact, that African-American and Hispanic Latino populations were less likely to think that everything causes cancer and that there's nothing they can do about it.
"We have been stockpiling food, equipment and fuel since March so people won't go hungry or cold but you may find your schedule changes at the last minute, there is nothing you can do about the weather, " she said.
BBC: Calf of Man islet rat-cull project calls for volunteers
Although the central bank has managed admirably to protect the country against fallout from the financial turmoil in Russia and to maintain a stable currency, there is nothing it can do about the large budget deficit likely next year.
The Wall Street Journal has some sobering news for you and everyone else playing Farmville on the 'book: your favorite apps are transmitting your user ID to advertisers and other third parties, and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it.
ENGADGET: WSJ: Facebook apps and games are dishing out your user ID to unauthorized third parties
Voters in Flanders worried about deficits can do nothing to sanction free-spending Mr Di Rupo.
This has been going on for decades and there is nothing either candidate can do about.
But there is nothing the president can do about a state matter.
FORBES: How Stealth Tactics Are Making Michigan A Right To Work State