• "I believe it can be possible, " he said, according to prepared remarks.

    WSJ: Reputation on the Line

  • He argues in our film that if design can be improved, it is possible that - just as with the design of somewhere like the Lincolnshire town of Stamford in his own constituency - people might start to accept new homes.

    BBC: Could better-looking homes solve housing shortage?

  • Under the anti-terrorism act, foreign nationals can be detained in the UK when it is not possible for them to be deported.

    BBC: Policeman

  • If research can establish that is true, then it may be possible to screen infants and single out those at risk, so that parents can take suitable precautions.

    ECONOMIST: Sudden infant death syndrome

  • If a more or less seamless network can be created from the web of European ventures, it should be possible to deter customers from straying on to other companies' systems.

    ECONOMIST: Telecommunications

  • While it can be fun to run through a stage as fast as possible, it is more enjoyable to thoroughly examine each level with a fine-tooth comb, searching for extra coins, extra green mushrooms, new pathways, and other hidden goodies.

    FORBES: Connect

  • For, if the methods Dr Ehrsson and Dr Blanke have come up with can be reproduced on volunteers inside a brain-scanner, then it might be possible to study the neurological network involved.

    ECONOMIST: Consciousness

  • It is not clear whether the confession can be legally admitted as evidence in court, because it is possible the suspect made the video under pressure or threats from his captors in Syria.


  • But with Spotify beginning to limit the number of songs users with free accounts can play, it seems possible there could be space for a new online music player serving up similar content for free.

    CNN: Doug Gross,

  • The researchers say that, because the hippocampus can be seen as a series of similar circuits that work in parallel, it should be possible to bypass the damaged area.

    BBC: Scientists develop 'brain chip'

  • But the truly creative and destructive forces of the cloud are also beginning to take hold on the customer side in the form of fresh thinking about what IT should be and what it can achieve, new products and services and business models made possible by and those freed-up IT dollars, and new ideas unlocked by those innovative approaches.

    FORBES: The Cloud Revolution and Creative Destruction

  • None of it will be possible until we can get the crossing points open.

    BBC: Agencies rush aid to Gaza Strip

  • The goal of keeping a camera at a price point where it can be had by as many people as possible was always in the designer's mind.

    ENGADGET: The Engadget Interview: Steve Heiner, General Manager, Digital SLR Systems, Nikon

  • Apart from potential computing applications, plasmonics can be used as biosensors, making it possible to more easily determine what your body is doing, and potentially make it easier for doctors to diagnose disease.

    FORBES: Scientists Trap a Rainbow In a Plasmonic Surface

  • Any delays are studied in detail to understand why it happened and what appropriate action can be taken where possible.

    BBC: Months-long wait for radiotherapy at Inverness hospital

  • It's almost in his grasp, and should he grasp it, he can be certain the accomplishment was made possible by his efforts in critical games against Indiana and Boston, and persistent excellence versus the Thunder.

    WSJ: NBA Finals: Miami Closes In, and It's Personal

  • The new version of the iPlayer has been written with Adobe's AIR technology which aims to make it possible to create applications that can be downloaded to your computer, rather than just embedded in browser web pages as is possible with the widely used Flash software.

    BBC: iPlayer now available on Mac

  • And, just as light waves of the same frequency can be made to resonate in step with one another and so form a laser beam, it should be possible to make atoms of the same element resonate similarly.

    ECONOMIST: The 2001 Nobel prizes: Playing catch-up | The

  • One of the things I love about the democratization of video production and distribution thanks to digital equipment and the Internet is that it makes it possible for people to very inexpensively explore their passions, but the end result can still be incredibly professional and good to watch.

    FORBES: 'The Midnight Archive' Is A Delightful Look At The Macabre And Bizarre

  • Since they can be used for cutting, slashing, spearing and pricking, knives have known more uses than it would be possible to count.

    FORBES: No. 1 The Knife

  • If the answer to a problem can quickly be shown to be correct, might it also be possible to quickly calculate that answer the first place?

    FORBES: A Beautiful Sausage

  • Since drug molecules can also be represented by computer models, it will eventually be possible to throw a huge range of virtual compounds at a virtual heart to see which, if any, have the desired effect.

    ECONOMIST: Model behaviour

  • While he strives to say as little as possible about upcoming products, it can be impossible for him to avoid dropping hints about upcoming "product shifts" when discussing Apple's prospects with investors (see "Apple Tips Its Hand").


  • Last year Hewlett-Packard, along with a team of scientists from UCLA, proved that it is possible to make a switch that can be turned off and on, like a transistor, out of a single organic molecule called a catenane.

    FORBES: The science of small

  • He foresees a time, not very far off, when it will be possible to take a pager and slip it into a cradle, so that your car can automatically handle any messages.

    ECONOMIST: When crashing is not an option

  • Is it possible that people as ill as Nathaniel can be helped?

    NPR: Nathaniel's Story: From Juilliard to Skid Row

  • If the tracks can be kept clear and rates kept low, it may prove possible to lure Japanese shippers from their long sea voyages.

    ECONOMIST: Sorry for this delay of 100 years

  • It's clear the Commission would like to reach the point where a full translation is possible in the future but it can't be done overnight, it'll cost too much.

    BBC: Mugshots and making headlines

  • The rotation of the image is significant because, according to Dr. Franke-Arnold it can be used to encode information, giving the technique a possible application in computing.

    FORBES: Slowing the Speed of Light to a Crawl

  • "It is possible that church authorities can prepare a proposal to be taken up by the cardinals on the first day after the papal vacancy, " Father Lombardi said.

    BBC: Vatican may bring forward conclave for next pope

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