It causes a distinctive rash on the body - and can lead to meningitis and pneumonia.
Some are only small sores, others are open wounds that can lead to serious complications.
We wanted to show that hate speech is not just words --- that words can lead to actions.
As a result, their discipline can waver and it can lead to dismal returns.
Severe cases can lead to liver failure and death, according to the World Health Organization.
It can lead to a lack of energy, weakened immune systems and delayed periods.
Six people have been diagnosed with cryptosporidiosis, which can lead to sickness and diarrhoea.
BBC: Cotswold Farm Park bosses say it is safe amid sickness probe
Therefore, the loss of a smartphone can lead to the risk of leaking personal information.
ENGADGET: Panasonic and Red Bend Software announce Android security partnership at MWC
But the wealth of choices can lead to "indecisive" customers who struggle over every detail.
WSJ: Conventional Wisdom: Nametags Say a Whole Lot About You
To demonstrate how the use of platoons can lead to environmental, safety and congestion improvements.
ENGADGET: Volvo's driverless road train in Spain is public mainly on the plain (video)
Mr. Fischl's credo suggests a kind of aesthetic ingenuousness that can lead to unending grief.
"This can lead to bleeding in different compartments and bleeding around the brain, " he said.
Even small changes in developmental timing can lead to big changes in who we become.
But putting some care and thought into the process can lead to win-win outcomes.
Nevertheless, this dangerous heart rhythm can lead to serious clinical consequences, if not managed appropriately.
FORBES: DATA AT A DISTANCE: Thoughts on 'Digital Public Health'
New menu items often lead to a jump in footfalls which can lead to higher sales.
"If that person knows stuff you don't, that process can lead to information transfer, " he says.
When you're the one in charge, setting sights too high can lead to disappointments.
Servicing a high-growth business in its beginning can lead to a very valuable lifetime customer.
FORBES: What Startups Need to Understand About The Booming Corporate Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
It is known that stiffening of the arteries can lead to heart disease and stroke.
Failing to talk about money together can lead to big problems in a relationship.
The same message, in the kindest way possible can lead to success when repeated often enough.
Tendinitis can lead to the more serious bowed tendons, which is a more noticeable condition.
In fact, leaving it open can lead to a weakened and even failed competitive position.
However, they can cause bleeding, and bone loss which can lead to osteoporosis later in life.
For others, the fear of rejection can lead to a withdrawal from dating altogether.
They can lead to excessive lending and to bubbles in equity and property markets.
Of course, the easy answer is this: Staying married can lead to greater economic security.
FORBES: Study Shows Divorced Women Have Less Economic Security Than Women Who Stay Married
Diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney disease, heart disease or amputations, and it can be fatal.
It can lead to late abortions and birth deformities in newborn sheep, goats and cattle.
BBC: Wroxham Barns' supply of lambs hit by Schmallenberg virus