Mr. GARRICK: But you aren't at home with the times, you can't get married and feel excited about it.
"When you're feeling good and feel like you can't miss, it's a good feeling, " said Williams, who shot 11 of 18 in the second half at one of his favorite arenas.
You kind of have to lie to yourself and feel like you can't miss.
You can't but feel completely isolated and frustrated for Al Pacino's Will Dormer, as the never-ending daylight plays with his mind and his conscience.
The motivation behind it was that, other than potentially isolating yourself in looking down at your phone, it's also emasculating...we all use these touch phones which you can't even feel.
The two controls on top are all you need to get the essential jobs done with this device, a button for switching it on and off (and taking stills) and the sliding record switch -- this set-up also means you can physically feel if it's recording, even when you can't see it.
ENGADGET: ION Air Pro POV camera: shoot on the piste, upload to the cloud, we go hands-on (video)
You're here because you feel something that's eating at you that you can't explain.
"The elephants can't tell you how they feel, but the mahouts feel very grateful and satisfied afterwards, " says veterinarian Ylva Persson.
It can feel very isolating and you can't help but wonder if the university experience is passing a whole generation of us by.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Students 'stay home to cut costs'
But some days you can't go out on the court and everything goes in and you feel great and you're playing the way you imagined to play.
During the incubation period of seven to 17 days, you look and feel healthy and can't infect others.
If you don't feel comfortable relegating your contact to Friend Request Limbo, you can instead send him or her to the halfway house of your limited profile.
"I don't want to feel like a spoilsport, but I don't know how you can set them off safely given the potential they have to cause fires, " she said.
"When someone goes down, we all feel really bad, but you can't get too close to someone who's involved with the law, " she says as she prepares the kids' breakfast.
"There might be some of you who don't feel they can fully buy in to an approach which so squarely links performance to the upholding of our values, " said Mr Jenkins.
The Menu button is gone and there's no physical camera button this time around, either, but the volume buttons can be used as such if you don't feel like tapping on the screen.
Our full review of the S10-3t netvertible is almost done cooking, but we can tell you right now the system didn't feel faster in use even with its 2GB of RAM, and on PCMark05 it scored in the same range as other N450 netbooks.
"We have all suffered death in our lives but to have it happen to your son, daughter, brother, sister, and then have a campaign against that -- you can't begin to imagine what that must feel like, " Rodgers said Thursday.
But, admonishes Mr. Keller, you can't overlook the leverage that such a fund adds to your portfolio just because owning it makes you feel special.
"We've been seeking a better system that operators can feel comfortable if they're told 'you haven't won'... and if they're told 'you have won', they can feel comfortable as well, " he added.
You can't tell them to run the shot clock down and feel sorry for that team over there.
I'd like to say to people look, I'll do it as long as I have the energy to do it and when I don't feel I can put as much into it as you like, then I would want to step down.
"When you've been out as long as I have been, 30 years, in order to feel OK every day and be optimistic and productive, you can't dwell as much on what's not working as maybe people think you do, " Perry said.
If the track isn't enough to make you feel positive about life, you can also buy the book.
BBC: News | Entertainment | E-mail inspires cult dance track
In Bagan, you can walk or take a sunrise jog around countless pagodas that feel like they haven't been touched in 800 years -- some actually haven't.
This doesn't mean you have to leave the USA. Savannah or South Dakota can feel more exotic to a New Yorker than, say, Toronto or London.
Even if you can't hear the music, the vibrations through this soundbox let people like Ethan feel it through his hands, through his feet, through any part of his body really.