Work includes restoring the canal from Compasses Bridge to Tickner's Heath.
Mr Curtin and members of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Society built the bridge which replaces a disused horse bridge.
The depot at Wilkinson Street, Basford and the basic structure of a landmark bridge over Canal Street have also been finished.
Building work is due to begin on a new pedestrian bridge over the Basingstoke Canal in Surrey.
Elliot Fox lived in the Bridge Apartments overlooking the canal and saw the car in the water from his balcony.
The shootings of September 4, 2005, the Sunday after Hurricane Katrina struck, killed two men and wounded four other people who were were trying to evacuate by crossing the Danziger Bridge over the Industrial Canal.
CNN: Charges dismissed against police in post-Katrina shootings
He said restoration of Gennets Bridge Lock would allow canal boats to travel north from the Loxwood Canal Centre in West Sussex up to the Surrey border for the first time since the canal was abandoned in the late 19th Century.
They were joined by about 50 people at bridge 81, which straddles the canal and which would be the entrance to the marina if it secures planning permission.
BBC: Timothy West and Prunella Scales in Onley marina protest
Howell said Ronald Madison and his older brother, Lance Madison, were trying to avoid the shootout between police and others that day when they ran up the Danziger Bridge, toward the other side of the Industrial Canal.
The existing bridge in Woking town centre and a section of the canal towpath will be closed from 23 April to allow construction to start.
The work will also see a bridge built over the River Tone and the Bridgwater and Taunton Canal close to Priory Fields Business Park.
Fairport is also one of the most picturesque towns on the canal with its almost 100-year-old, fully operational lift-bridge and downtown dock.
The canal at Loxwood had to be lowered by 6ft (1.8m) and a new lock and road bridge built.