The notion that energy production externalities in general are not captured is another canard.
As a newspaper, Charlie Hebdo suffers from constant comparison with its better-known and more successful rival, Le Canard Enchaine.
It risks associating the Democrats with the ancient canard that big government in Washington can solve all America's problems.
All the talk about the social cost of traffic congestion is a canard.
Mr Chirac denied any wrongdoing when responding to the allegations the evening before the report appeared in Le Canard Enchaine.
He wants to continue the canard that all his proposals and the exploding deficit can be handled by taxing rich people.
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Any examination of Mr Vidal's background dispels the old canard that there is no such thing as an American upper class.
Some argue that raising the minimum wage will hurt job growth, a tired old canard trotted out every time a minimum wage proposal surfaces.
Until the 2012 election rolls around, I worry that some very prominent Americans will continue to perpetrate the canard that it is possible to give people self-respect.
Try the terrine de foie de canard, the herb-crusted loin of lamb and the beguiling desserts, especially the warm apple and walnut purse with sour cream ice cream.
This spring's wipeout of semiconductor equipment stocks killed that canard.
But if Le Canard is all about scoops and unreported secrets, Charlie is both cruder and crueller - deploying a melange of cartoons and an often vicious polemical wit.
But when media give scant and selective coverage to the topic, they are abetting the status quo, which depends on the continued inscrutibility of the operation of this costly canard.
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The issue -- the canard the Republicans put out there is that a lot of small businesses file as S corps, I believe it's called, and under the individual income tax code, 97 percent of them would not be affected by this.
Though you might dispute whether the ability to, say, properly place a football pass is a learned or inherited trait, you still might find the infographic useful at home or in the classroom, as you struggle to disabuse your young charges of a canard to which even education columnists fall prey.
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