Cancer Research UK said government figures suggested 570 children smoked for the first time every day.
Dr Simon Vincent of Cancer Research UK said the results of the study were interesting.
Professor Alex Markham, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said the decision was "extremely worrying".
Martin Ledwick, head information nurse at Cancer Research UK, was a little more cautious.
Lesley Walker, of Cancer Research UK, said the study was based on a relatively small sample.
Professor Robert West, Cancer Research UK's director of tobacco studies, said society's attitude towards passive smoking "has to change".
However, experts at Cancer Research UK say they are not convinced by the findings.
Professor John Toy, medical director of Cancer Research UK, said he had high hopes for the treatment.
Sir Alan Langlands, Dundee University's principal, said they were grateful to Cancer Research UK for its support.
However, Cancer Research UK said it was still too early to know if any therapy would be safe.
Many celebrities have paid tribute to him on the site while Cancer Research UK said he was an "inspiration".
The Cancer Research UK team analysed disease and population data from organisations such as the Office for National Statistics.
Dr Julie Sharp, senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK, urged men not to be alarmed by the findings.
It was due to take place on Saturday, and Cancer Research UK said it would contact the hundreds of participants.
Other medics on the New Year Honours list include genome researcher Professor John Bell and Cancer Research UK's Professor Alexander Markham.
Cancer Research UK is funding a large-scale trial to see if screening for H.pylori can identify those at risk of developing cancer.
Dr Harpal Kumar, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said more needed to be done to make treatments kinder and more effective.
Sir Paul Nurse, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, hailed the findings.
Dr Richard Sullivan, from the Cancer Research UK, said that the report could help doctors monitor the health of present-day HIV patients.
Cancer Research UK, along with its partners in the Wales Cancer Alliance, said it wanted to see the same commitment to beating cancer in Wales.
The drug, developed through Cancer Research UK's Clinical Development Partnerships (CDP), starves cancer cells of the sugars they need to grow and develop.
Dr Anna Git will use her For Women In Science Fellowship to support her research at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute.
Sara Hiom, Cancer Research UK's director of early diagnosis, said international comparisons were useful in helping to understand what was influencing cancer survival.
This work is funded by Cancer Research UK, which is also investigating the use of tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer in high-risk women.
Professor Malcolm Mason, Cancer Research UK prostate cancer expert based at Cardiff University agreed the results were encouraging but more evidence was needed.
Professor Ruth Plummer, a Cancer Research UK clinician at the institute who treated football legend Sir Bobby Robson, is helping to run the trial.
We want to work with Cancer Research UK and the pharmaceutical industry to ensure better access to clinical trials for young people with cancer.
Sara Hiom, of Cancer Research UK, said while it was encouraging to see survival rates for cancer improving, the differences between countries needed examination.
Study leader Catherine Thomson, head of statistical information at Cancer Research UK, said the figures in particular from Liverpool and Sunderland were "alarmingly high".
Cancer Research UK says people should not use artificial tanning devices for cosmetic purposes because they - like the sun - increase skin cancer risk.