So in 2002 McNitt flew to Los Angeles, grabbed a phone book and started canvassing fish stalls.
This weekend, his campaign will hold rallies and go canvassing in beauty shops around the country.
The conference got under way on Friday night with a workshop on effective canvassing.
Earlier, I went out canvassing in another area of Ohio, near Dayton, with volunteer Terrance Hodges.
Police announced the arrest Friday afternoon after combing school records and canvassing neighborhoods searching for the pair.
He's backing Hillary Clinton, and he did some house-to-house canvassing with her in his district last week.
Canvassing in the constituency, Mr Clegg said there was a "simple choice" between the Lib Dems and Labour.
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Sherley and Deisher started canvassing Capitol Hill this week, anticipating the matter ultimately may be decided by Congress.
Even if it had not, the canvassing board thought it might not finish the recount in time anyway.
Candidates said it was a subject they have come across time and time again when canvassing on the doorstep.
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That sent the canvassing board to court to find out who is right.
The pair said that they would usually wait until dinnertime before canvassing the newsstands in their East London neighborhood.
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At 12, he was canvassing for Labour and by his 20s he was a leading political activist in Scotland.
The canvassing board there reverted to election night tallies after discovering a ballot-counting machine had malfunctioned during the recount.
Simon Crean, a minister and former Labor leader, accused Mr Rudd of disloyalty by canvassing leadership support among colleagues.
On Thursday afternoon, detectives were canvassing the area around the precinct, asking to review security footage from businesses there.
And now Mr Padoa-Schioppa is canvassing views about how regulation might be improved.
MPs heard a lot about while canvassing voters in the general election campaign.
In Nassau County, the Democrats are challenging the makeup of the canvassing board.
My conclusion, after canvassing a half dozen employers who are hiring network I.
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Even Florida judge Charles Burton, the long-suffering head of the Palm Beach canvassing board, flew up to see the show.
The Greens admit to having few resources to fight this election campaign and have done very little leafleting or canvassing.
Martin Wingfield led a discussion on community politics and Tony Lecomber taught canvassing techniques commonly used by mainstream political parties.
Very quickly he preferred canvassing round his native Woking to studying in school, but found he was not in easy territory.
Just two hours after a near riot outside the counting room, the Miami-Dade canvassing board voted to shut down the count.
And the opportunity to present your goods to hundreds of prospects at a time beats cold canvassing or word-of-mouth referrals any time.
But while Google's recruiters risk leaking word of the company's plans, there is also an upside to that kind of broad canvassing.
After assigning some to work the phone bank or drive vans, the office sent other volunteers to help Ms. Blakemore with canvassing.
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" Ronaldo Zamora reckons that canvassing outside opinions is healthy: "The president decides only after he has heard enough points of view.
Last weekend, while Obama was canvassing for support in Holland, Ohio, the Democratic nominee ran into a man since dubbed Joe the plumber.