• When Pop brought Cap on board as FORBES publisher in 1989 (he later became chairman), the press queried the former Pentagon chief about those stinging editorials.

    FORBES: Caspar W. (Cap) Weinberger

  • This is what many large cap properties sell for on the Big Board, but nobody pays attention.

    FORBES: At Worst, Apple Is A $400 Stock

  • Unlike the freezes proposed by both Obama and the House Republicans, Bill and Maya include all domestic spending, including homeland security and the VA. Importantly, they propose an overall spending cap, not an across-the-board freeze.

    FORBES: How to Cut The Budget Deficit

  • Over the past few years many of the small-cap trading desks that made markets in Bulletin Board issues have been shut down or drastically reduced in size, including those run by Goldman Sachs (which bought Spear Leeds, the NYSE market specialist firm, in late 2000), Sherwood Securities and Fleet Securities.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We're not putting forward an across-the-board freeze, but rather an overall cap on non-security discretionary funding in which key investments are expanded but we cut back on programs that are ineffective, duplicative, or just wasteful.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • From there, they talk about cutting rates across the board and reducing tax preferences (perhaps with some cap on these breaks).

    FORBES: The Deficit Supercommittee: Still Not Serious

  • Only Nasdaq has a significant number of its own stocks, largely a mixture of large-cap technology shares and companies too small to qualify for the Big Board.

    FORBES: Why the world would be better off with one big stock market.

  • The Federal Reserve, in its board meeting last week, proposed a 12-cent per transaction cap on the interchange fees charged by banks on debit card transactions.

    FORBES: Could MasterCard Fall Further On Fee Concerns?

  • They wore some 30 different uniform styles, each with a different color piping on the jacket and cap, and decorated with elaborate gold or silver-plated wire on the shoulder board.

    FORBES: Collecting Evil

  • Shell says it's working at far less depth and lower pressures than the BP well that erupted nearly a mile beneath the Gulf, killing 11 men on board a rig and unleashing an undersea gusher that took three months to cap.

    CNN: Shell halts Arctic drill plans for 2013

  • This 15-member, unelected Board will be charged with making recommendations for reducing Medicare spending if costs exceed a specified cap.

    FORBES: Even ObamaCare's Supporters Don't Support The Rationing Board

  • But if you go into a board membership with your eyes wide open, serving on a board of directors can be rewarding, lucrative and enjoyable and a real feather in your cap, career-wise.

    FORBES: What To Know Before Serving On A Company Board

  • Ultimately the judge said whether the issue of obesity is an epidemic is not the key issue here, but whether the board of health has the jurisdiction to decide that obesity is such an issue that it could issue a cap on consumption of sugary drinks.

    NPR: Judge Strikes Down NYC Ban On Supersized Sodas

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