So the king has had to go cap in hand to his rich neighbour, South Africa.
ECONOMIST: Africa��s last absolute monarchy may be falling apart
For less sanguine investors, the idea of going cap in hand to China smacked of desperation.
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There are arguments for this, but going cap in hand does not lie easily with throwing weight about.
Or perhaps GM expects to return cap in hand some time next year, but is reluctant to admit it.
Others argue that the loans should have been at punitive rates, to deter banks from coming to the central bank cap in hand.
It seems more likely that GM expects to be coming back, cap in hand, some time next year, but is reluctant to admit it.
The problem today is that United States must go cap in hand for funding to those same governments whose thumbs are on the scale.
But in the autumn of 2010, it capitulated in the face of horrific market reality, and went cap in hand to the eurozone and IMF.
"What I'm not in the habit of doing, and I'm not going to do, is go around cap in hand pleading with players to play for their country, " Toshack said.
The majority of Americans worry more about candidates who have to go cap in hand to special interests, which then expect a payback, than about money-bags who put their own fortunes on the line.
Burris marched in with his cap gun in one hand and a Popsicle in the other, wearing his short pants and nothing else, looking like a little stick man.
It is, he concedes, a tough time to be knocking on doors cap-in-hand.
With model in hand, the question becomes how much of a position should one take in a small-cap value index fund?
TIAA-CREF on the other-hand was placing VNDA in their global equities fund, in their large cap value fund and in their life large cap value fund.
FORBES: TIAA-CREF Suddenly Drops Micro-Cap Stocks from Large Cap Funds