While Steve Jobs is certainly capable of being peevish and capricious, his criticisms have the ring of truth.
"Whether or not he is capable of becoming a head coach is questionable, " Lewis told BBC Radio Wales.
We're the only craft capable of bringing significant cargo back from the space station.
Of course, this approach assumes that we have a media still capable of honest reporting.
Capable of enlightening nations and empowering individuals, the Web can be an energizing force for good.
We'll pick the players who we feel have shown what they are capable of doing.
Fannie Mae is built on the lie that every American is capable of paying a mortgage.
Nelson told himself it was no problem and that he was capable of a big throw.
He's confident and he's perfectly capable of taking us to a Conservative victory in 2015.
Florida Atlantic would seem to be most capable of giving the Tar Heels a tough test.
The rubbish is being compacted into plastic wrapping, capable of holding about half a tonne.
"I think he's capable of being an answer, " he said of the senator from Illinois.
Mr Hashemi said only members of Iraq's security apparatus were capable of co-ordinating such large-scale attacks.
BBC: Baghdad blasts: Hashemi accuses government over attacks
He will be supported by Jose Enrique Gutierrez and Oscar Sevilla, both capable of winning outright.
" Furthermore, Jackson said in February, "(Fracking technology) is perfectly capable of being clean.
Am I capable of, and comfortable with, doing the tasks for which I would be responsible?
FORBES: 20 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting a New Job
ICBMs are ground-launched ballistic missiles capable of traveling long distances and penetrating heavily defended areas.
The B-2 is also a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions.
Each solar array is capable of producing 42 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity annually.
They are generally capable of only parroting the information the hedge funds provide to them.
No experimental science would be possible without clocks capable of measuring tiny increments of time.
He happened to employ people who recognized an innovation capable of changing the personal entertainment landscape.
FORBES: Steve Jobs is NOT a Visionary; Get Off the Bandwagon Cultists
It lets clients generate trade flow communications with any bank capable of using the messages.
And its battery is capable of recharging in about half the time of the first-generation LEAF.
ENGADGET: New Nissan Leaf comes to the UK with battery leasing option, extended range
However, she was not capable of dealing with the money so two deputies were appointed.
BBC: Learning difficulties woman gets pregnancy choice - court
That is, some people or institutions are just not capable of doing what we would like.
FORBES: Worst Institution in the World Continues to To Spread Human Misery; Ryan Avent Shocked
The convention permits or encourages inspections against any facility deemed capable of producing chemical weapons.
The players showed last year what they're capable of and we have some fantastic young talent.
FedEx said it will be capable of handling 36, 000 parcels and documents per hour at Pudong.
One spec that isn't mentioned is whether or not this screen is capable of multi-touch.