As with the capital-gains tax, the new levy doesn't apply to assets held at death.
Cutting capital-gains tax has marginally more economic credibility: it may liberate some growth-generating investment.
Clinton is also sounding flexible about Republican demands for a broader cut in the capital-gains tax.
Shares held by individuals for more than one year will be liable to capital-gains tax.
Next week Mr Brown should reveal the outcome of a review of capital-gains tax.
Unlike owner-occupiers, landlords are subject to capital-gains tax, discouraging the growth of rental properties.
He argues that a sale would lose a large slice of value on capital-gains tax.
They include a proviso that a company selling shares in another company will escape capital-gains tax.
Companies will also now be able to sell their stakes in other firms free of capital-gains tax.
Otherwise, it's hardly worth paying a 7% or greater commission just to avoid a 15% capital-gains tax.
Should the U.S. fail to reach a solution, federal income, dividend and capital-gains tax rates increase Jan 1.
The main target, apart from obvious things like alcohol, tobacco and petrol, is likely to be capital-gains tax.
Income- and corporation-tax rates have been cut, and capital-gains tax on sales of corporate cross-shareholdings has been abolished.
That's the bone that was thrown to the wealthy--a lower capital-gains tax rate.
It is likely that such taxpayers also pay a big proportion of stamp duty, capital-gains tax and inheritance tax.
Now that capital-gains tax on the sale of their industrial stakes has been abolished, they are cutting them back.
The intricacies of capital-gains tax are a case in point (see article).
Once Germany's tax reforms come into effect, the bank will be able to sell these free of capital-gains tax.
The capital-gains tax rate will rise from 15% to between 20% and 28%.
Making the financing still more complex, the capital-gains tax for German companies drops to zero in January, from around 50%.
He introduced a sliding scale that made capital-gains tax highly complex, and then reversed himself, introducing a single rate of 18%.
Democrats want to remove the bequest exemption from the capital-gains tax law, and some Republicans want to reduce capital-gains rates anyway.
But on the rather bigger question of the reform of capital-gains tax, Britons will have to wait for next year's budget.
Private shareholders, now exempt from capital-gains tax if they hold their shares for more than a year, will no longer be so.
Carried interest is a share of a partnership's profits that is taxed at capital-gains tax rates rather than at higher income-tax rates.
The top rate of capital-gains tax is currently 28%, over ten percentage points lower than the top rate of income tax (39.5%).
The profit on house sales can also be exempt from capital-gains tax.
In addition to lower corporate and personal income taxes, Singapore also has no capital-gains tax, no tax on bank interest and no dividends tax.
Thaksin had transferred shares in Shin Corp to his children via a company registered in the British Virgin Islands, thus circumventing capital-gains tax in Thailand.
FORBES: Offshore Tax Havens For Beginners: Pick An Inoffensive Name
More is likely to come on stream this year, thanks to new German tax laws which exempt the sale of corporate shareholdings from capital-gains tax.
ECONOMIST: Germany's biggest bank regroups to storm New York