The importance of liveability in Danish culture is exemplified in the sustainable infrastructure of its capital city.
That's not just for Japanese food -- French and Italian cuisine in Japan's capital city are sublime, too.
But nobody in California's capital city wants to believe this game will be Sacramento's last.
From Europe there are only a few flights a week to the capital city of Kigali.
But Canberra is Australia's capital city and the centre of the country's political activity.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Rugby World Cup | Venues Guide | City guide: Canberra
Berne, the capital city of Switzerland, lies at the foot of the Alps in Central Europe.
Among other reasons, King David chose Jerusalem as his capital city because of its strategic importance.
In just 12 months, the capital city shot up 17 spots, from No. 37 to No. 20.
INETER, had redrawn the capital city's limits, leaving his house a bit short of 100 metres outside.
So we had a whole capital city closed down for a few days because of the flooding.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Gillard Visit Wakefield High School | The White House
In its 700-odd years of recorded history, the city has been both capital city and provincial backwater.
By June 2008, Aschiana had eight centers catering to 7, 600 children in the capital city of Kabul alone.
Street gangs hold sway in many of the poorest, most densely populated parts of the capital city, Port-au-Prince.
Mr Mushaima was hit at close range by birdshot in the Sanabis district of the capital city Manama.
Soon, the attacks were also felt in the capital city of Lima and people lived in constant fear.
There are about 33, 000 Iraqi police on duty throughout Iraq, he said, with several thousand in the capital city.
They moved to the capital city, Delhi, about 30 years ago to seek "a better life, " her father said.
Earlier this year, you may recall, protesters brought Kampala to a standstill, torching roadblocks throughout the capital city.
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Ann that is a three-hour car ride from the capital city of Kingston.
It broadcasts from centers in Doha, the capital city of the state of Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington.
FORBES: How Al Jazeera Successfully Managed Through The Turmoil
Karbala is a Shiite holy city, southwest of the capital city of Baghdad.
Officials said the new artwork celebrates the writer's works, which "have helped profile the capital city around the globe".
In 1925, the capital city of Norway, known as Christiana or Kristiana since 1674, resumed its name of Oslo.
The eclectic capital city has become an alternative to Silicon Valley, Chavez says.
"A nanny in London earns more than paramedics do in our capital city!"
As a result, Pakistani authorities increased security in Islamabad, Pakistan's capital city.
But recent figures from the Conference Board of Canada predict that Canada's capital city will outpace the competition in 2011.
Voters in the capital city of Columbia told NPR they were most concerned about national security, immigration and the economy.
The region's progress is on full display in its capital city of Irbil, some 400km (249 miles) north of Baghdad.
Some 50, 000 more supporters gathered to watch on televisions inside and outside of Estadio Quisqueya in the Dominican capital city.