• In Mashhad, the capital of Iran's eastern province of Khorasan and home to some 400, 000 refugees, the provincial governor accuses local Afghans of drug-running and kidnapping.


  • At dozens of intersections in the capital of Iran thousands of students are protesting on a recent Friday around midnight, as they do nearly every night, chanting pro-democracy slogans and lighting bonfires on street corners.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The U.S. should begin by imposing a "capital blockade"--eliminating or at least substantially reducing flows of investment capital into Iran.

    FORBES: Bush's Big One

  • Iraqi and U.S. troops have been fighting militants in Diyala province, which stretches north and east of the capital and borders Iran.

    CNN: Bombings kill at least 60 in Iraq

  • On Thursday, tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Iran's capital for the sixth day in a row.

    CNN: Iran's supreme leader rejects vote fraud claims

  • Quetta is the capital of Balochistan province, which borders Iran and Afghanistan, and has been plagued by a separatist rebellion as well as sectarian violence.

    BBC: Pakistan blast: Governor fury at 'intelligence failure'

  • This appearance comes at what observers call a critical juncture in Iranian history, and since last Friday, tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of Iran's capital to protest the election results.

    CNN: Iran's supreme leader warns protesters

  • The head of oil research at Barclays Capital, Paul Horsnell, described the current situation as potentially worse for oil than the Iran crisis of 1979.

    FORBES: The Libyan Crisis: Where Are Oil Prices Going?

  • And in 2007, a car bomb that struck a military bus in the province's capital, Zahedan, was also the work of Jundallah, Iran said.

    CNN: Iran executes militant group leader

  • This month in Tehran, Iran's capital, government-orchestrated crowds of students hurled Molotov cocktails at the offices of Saudi Arabian Airlines, attacked Egypt's diplomatic mission and called for Mr Mubarak's execution as a traitor.

    ECONOMIST: Egypt and Gaza

  • In the new Discovery Channel documentary, Koppel travels to the border of Iran's border with Iraq, the ancient capital of Isfahan, the holy city of Qom and the Persian Gulf.

    NPR: Koppel: Inside Iran, 'The Most Dangerous Nation'

  • Yet India has refrained from making political capital from the recent revelations of Pakistan's involvement in spreading nuclear technology to Iran, Libya and North Korea.

    ECONOMIST: Talking it over | The

  • Well, consider the view from Tehran (or from Qom, Iran's religious capital): Improved relations with the United States would rob the religious junta of the justification for much of what it does, from looting the country in the name of righteousness to pursuing nuclear weapons.


  • It also sponsored the country's biggest demonstration in many years, bringing some 250, 000 people on to the streets of Beirut, the capital, to protest (at the same time as similar Shia rallies in Bahrain, Iran and Pakistan) against America's armed incursions into Iraq's holiest Shia cities, Najaf and Karbala.

    ECONOMIST: Why militant Shias are on the rise in Lebanon too

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