On capital productivity, Britain scores better than France or Germany, and not much worse than America.
ECONOMIST: Productivity: The British disease revisited | The
McKinsey reckons that India can double its growth in labour productivity to 8% a year and increase capital productivity by 50%.
For anyone concerned with human capital and productivity, stress is a serious business issue, despite all the year end hype.
This lack of capital formation and productivity does not bode well for maintaining jobs today or creating ones tomorrow.
During this period, major financial crises were conspicuously absent, while capital investment, productivity, and wages grew at rates that lifted tens of millions of working Americans into the middle class.
As a jointly public and private good, human capital accumulation drives industrial productivity and workforce quality.
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An ever more integrated global economy means more consumers, more capital spending, increased productivity, rising income and more growth.
If labor and other markets are allowed to function without government intervention, there will be a tendency toward market-clearing prices, including relative wage rates and interest rates that reflect time preferences and the productivity of capital.
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Companies are becoming more efficient, and not just by sacking workers and buying in their needs instead: a study to be released soon shows the overall productivity of capital and labour together rising at 5% a year, says Jose Roberto Mendonca de Barros, the economic-policy secretary.
The productivity push freed up capital for share buybacks, and the stock price jumped an average of 118% a year from 2009 to 2012.
Less capital being applied to labour is, other things being equal, going to lead to less productive labour for it is capital added to labour which increases productivity.
It does nothing to increase productivity but, to the extent that it distorts capital flows and investment decisions, it wastes our time and savings and reduces our long-term productivity.
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The Fed is perversely deploring the extraordinary growth of business capital investments and the resulting surge in productivity.
Cheerleaders justified the surge in share prices and heavy inflows of capital by praising America's miraculous productivity, or in other ways.
They are much less good at capturing the continuing gains that result from a faster accumulation of capital, or a quickened pace of productivity growth.
Indeed, says Stephen Bond of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, an economic research group, it is far from clear that Mr Brown's package will make much difference to investment or productivity, even though the capital gains tax reform is likely to encourage more new firms to be formed.
Workers because the tax will make capital for companies more expensive and that reduces productivity and thus wages.
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Better regulation and financial reporting would also help investment capital to find the best opportunities, boosting productivity growth.
Before productivity can boom, there must be capital investment in entrepreneurs who create new technologies.
Labor productivity and wages depend on the amount of capital labor has to work with.
Also, in the economy apart from durables manufacturing, capital deepening more than explains the tiny increase in labour productivity all by itself.
Total factor productivity, which measures how efficiently labour and capital are combined, is only 42% of the level in America, or 82% that in South Korea.
As average wages in a country are determined by average productivity in that country that lesser amount of capital is going to lead to lower average wages.
Consequently, as we look at companies today with a lot of cash on their balance sheets, but a lot of uncertainty in the macro environment, technology is actually a very interesting place for companies to make capital investments today, because technology investments tend to be productivity enhancing and not capacity enhancing.
For what causes productivity to rise and smart work to happen is capital and creativity.
Such investment is the foundation for the creation of new jobs, and for rising wages, bidding them up to match the rising productivity resulting from the superior tools provided by the capital investment.
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In a report on India's economy, the consultancy points out that 43% of India's capital stock is owned by the state, and that the productivity of these assets is well below the Indian average (see chart).
But he notes that whereas Singapore's success rests on high productivity, Panama's growth has come from accumulating capital in the form of infrastructure.
The economy's fundamentals are astonishingly strong--productivity gains of historic proportions, low inventories, growing capital spending and very sound consumer balance sheets (media myths to the contrary).