Komisarjevsky received his death sentence three months before the state repealed capital punishment in future cases.
CNN: Executions, death sentences remain steady over past year
California voters in November by a 53% to 47% margin approved keeping capital punishment.
CNN: Executions, death sentences remain steady over past year
The Death Penalty Information Centre has found that 77% of Americans favour capital punishment.
Initial reforms to liberalize Russia, such as ending capital punishment, did not restore order.
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Capital punishment has strong support in the US, yet it remains an emotive issue.
With elections around the corner, the debate over capital punishment looks set to pick up.
Over the years I have attended umpteen debates on the abolition of capital punishment.
For much of the rest of the world, however, capital punishment has become anathema.
Yet though capital punishment remains on the statute books, it has long been suspended.
The Chicago Tribune recently examined all the 285 death-penalty cases since the reinstitution of capital punishment.
In December the UN General Assembly votes on calling for a global moratorium on capital punishment.
The case emphasised the deep trans-Atlantic rift over capital punishment, which has been abolished throughout Europe.
The end of capital punishment would spare eight men who are on death row in New Jersey.
The Justice Department refused to provide figures to Asiaweek about the number of people awaiting capital punishment.
That had been a "chilling and intimidating" reference to capital punishment by the electric chair, he added.
They could face the death penalty if found guilty as Indian law sanctions capital punishment for murder.
Echegaray would have been the first to be executed since Congress instituted capital punishment in December 1993.
The murder charges in the Dec. 16 case allow authorities to seek capital punishment for the accused.
In a Harris poll carried out immediately after Mr McVeigh's conviction, 75% said they believed in capital punishment.
Equally, there are a variety of other matters that have had change in that time from capital punishment to the stocks.
How comfortable would we be with a decision on capital punishment taken via a TV debate and a vote on Twitter?
Opponents of capital punishment have used treaties to press the Supreme Court to stop the death penalty in Texas.
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The conflict in Syria made it impossible for researchers to establish whether capital punishment was carried out, it added.
Prosecutors are expected to announce next Monday whether they will pursue capital punishment.
BBC: James Holmes 'ponders guilty plea' to avoid death penalty
EU, has made an end to capital punishment a non-negotiable condition of membership.
Opponents of capital punishment may be familiar with arguments about its expense, unjust application and inefficacy as a deterrent.
Certainly, America's use of capital punishment is markedly greater than most other countries'.
But, in other respects, the sudden execution of Mr Takuma was typical of Japan's murky system of capital punishment.
Moreover, he is the only leading Turkish politician openly to disavow capital punishment.
McVeigh's long-term significance in the debate about capital punishment remains to be seen.