In the case of the U.S., the trade deficit nearly always shows up as a capital surplus.
However, this capital surplus does not count in the balance of trade and leaves a massive trade deficit with Wakanda.
Soon after Bain and Co published a report indicating that, because of an unprecedented capital surplus, now is the ideal time to make long term transitional investments in infrastructure and new industries.
The most significant changes, of course, involve Fannie and Freddie, which just five months ago were still subject to 30% capital surplus requirements, a punishment of sorts for their accounting scandals earlier in the decade. (Those surplus limits were lowered to 20% in March in order to marshal the companies' aid in dealing with the mortgage crisis).
These subjects, which each receive a chapter in the report, differ markedly from last year's CEA outlook, which highlighted the capital account surplus, workforce skills, retirement savings, intellectual property and agriculture.
When banks become members of the Federal Reserve System, which is mandatory for national banks and voluntary for state banks, they have to purchase stock in their local Federal Reserve Bank equal to six percent of their own capital and surplus.
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According to Martin Neil Baily, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, the "striking thing" about last year's report was that it painted a rosy view of the trade imbalance by focusing on the capital account surplus, rather than its inverse, the current account deficit.
This squeezes prices and margins, thus denying better-run firms the surplus capital they need to hire talented people, buy competitors or invest in research and development.
And the markets need to recognize that long-term creative arbitrage projects involving open or closed communities, tackling large economic challenges across the globe, are one of the few ways the surplus capital problem can be solved.
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Now it is of course possible that NBNK will be able to provide some kind of comfort to Lloyds' directors that it is likely to receive advanced status relatively quickly - and in those circumstances it would repay the surplus capital back to Lloyds.
Yet only about half of the capital inflow from the trade surplus was accounted for by debt service and other payments.
It reaffirmed that it continues to maintain a surplus over all regulatory capital requirements.
Europe and Japan in decisions to expand capital plant, to lay off surplus workers, and to develop new products.
That leads to a trade surplus, which means capital for domestic expansion.
"While we expect continued housing and economic weakness will affect our overall performance this year, we continue to maintain a surplus over all regulatory capital requirements, " Chief Executive RichardSyronRichard Syron said.
"While we expect continued housing and economic weakness will affect our overall performance this year, we continue to maintain a surplus over all regulatory capital requirements, " Chief Executive Richard Syron said.
They will be funded by capital funding, receipts from the sale of surplus school sites and council resources.
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The project will be paid for with capital funding, receipts from the sale of surplus school sites and council resources.
Where rather than workers at one factory fighting with capital to gain a larger share of the surplus, an entire profession restricts access to that profession.
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Alternatively, a surplus country wanting to avoid the inflationary consequences of capital inflows might revalue its currency upward.
Germany has a huge current-account surplus and so is not dependent on flighty foreign capital to keep its companies primed.
The main objective, according to Al Ansari, is to use China's surplus of quality unlisted companies to boost the Gulf's capital markets.
To cut capital costs, Ruttenberg farmed out more and more of the manufacturing to nearby companies with surplus capacity.
Although China runs a large trade surplus with America, it runs deficits with other Asian countries from which it imports capital equipment and components.
The deficit ends four years when it could claim to be in surplus, on a modest scale, assuming a large share of oil revenue and not including capital spending.