That's not necessarily a legitimate argument in a capitalist system that's supposed to reward risk taking.
The capitalist system works something like this: one person has a good idea, but no money.
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This drive to acquire and dominate has led to the capitalist system's greatest success stories.
Countries such as Egypt and Tunisia don't have to build a capitalist system from scratch.
In a capitalist system, you need a replenishable supply of entrepreneurs willing to take risks.
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In a fair capitalist system, financial success should be the byproduct of innovation and achievement.
The President wants -- is a strong and ardent believer in our capitalist system.
We could have anything from a capitalist system to a bunch of kibbutzes or something in between.
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Wisely, law makers backed off as Wall Street honchos heatedly explained the dire implications for the capitalist system.
No matter what, I felt more connected to the capitalist system than I ever did as a journalist.
What is interesting is to realize just how much of the global capitalist system is based on simple trust.
Porter believes that this generational tipping point may come from places at a disadvantage in the current capitalist system.
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But in a democratic capitalist system, seemingly improbable ideas can come to fruition.
" By this they meant a modified capitalist system, characterized by considerable state intervention and the fabled "social safety net.
And, with due respect to these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold.
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He does indeed want to radically remake America's free-enterprise, entrepreneurial capitalist system.
The great measure of a capitalist system (or a market one, if you prefer that name) is not who gets all the gelt.
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Yet he believes that most poor people, given the chance to participate fairly in the capitalist system, would do so rather than stay outside.
Sound money is good policy, and economic efficiency (including lower taxes and free trade) will do most of the heavy lifting in a free, capitalist system.
The revenue would not be missed, but Americans are uneasy with the possibility that a new generation of high-living heirs will stink up the capitalist system.
Many Westerners believe Japan has no choice but to convert to a market-based capitalist system, one which allocates resources to maximize efficiency, consumer welfare and profits.
"Having to defend the free-market capitalist system is a very good place to be in a Republican primary, " said Kevin Madden, a Romney adviser and former spokesman.
Today, private equity is a single global industry at the heart of the capitalist system, managing far more money than seemed possible in the 1980s (see article).
Hyman Minsky, an American economist who has become more fashionable since his death in 1996, argued that these debt crises were both inherent in the capitalist system and cyclical.
Yes, China and India, which for years have been far less connected to the global capitalist system than South Korea and the others, have fared much better in this crisis.
In recent years, thanks to the spread of the Internet and citizen media, the era of corporate capitalism came to its own end, and a new capitalist system is emerging, network capitalism.
Adam Smith never espoused the beliefs that control our capitalist system today, that the only purpose of a business is to create shareholder value and that the unfettered market will effectively regulate itself.
Once upon a time, there was a capitalist system where firms competed against each other, and the consumer was the center of the economic universe, the beginning and the ending of every economic activity.
Our capitalist system is based on the idea of an overall return on our assets: We buy things, then reconfigure, invent, invest, and redeploy them in ways that are more positive for the world.
Just as bankruptcies are an important part of the capitalist system and allow companies to come out the other end stronger and with a more clean cap table, so too are foreclosures important for a well-functioning housing market.